~I have found a great website with articles about the most interesting topics of ancient cultures. Without copying all the content he made I want to start with his or hers alternative timeline for the history of mankind which I believe is more true than schools teach our children. A MUST READ!~
The site: http://talc.site88.net/mega.htm
A Brief Timeline
Before we enter upon the first chapter, here is a brief hypothetical time line of the earliest history of mankind as certain parts of it are being described in the next chapters. This time line is especially based on information of psychic intuitives like Edgar Cayce (the most documented psychic intuitive from the 20th century), trance mediums Daan Akkerman and Rev. Douglas James Cottrell (PhD), the translations of the Sumerian clay tablets by Samuel Noah Kramer and Zecharia Sitchin, and modern archaeology. Please do not not blindly accept or "believe" any of the numerous claims which are not considered as scientific facts, but try to consider these alternative points of view and form your own opinion. When two sides have complete opposite, polarized opinions about a subject, it is often the case that the truth lies in the middle, as both sides could have perfectly valid arguments. If something is really true, it will likely be proven eventually with the aid of our growing archaelogic, technologic and scientific knowledge, but this will not happen before it will be seriously considered and examined.
All mentioned dates are approximate.
Second chapter: http://talc.site88.net/atla.htm - Atlantis
Third: Read below ;)
Fourth: http://talc.site88.net/mars.htm - Life on Mars
Fifth: http://talc.site88.net/anom.htm - Ancient anomolies
In ancient times many large monuments and megalithic structures had been built across the globe. Thought to be build by different cultures, there are certain similarities between them which could prove there ever was a global civilization or organisation in the ancient past. Many ancient cultures did build pyramids or pyramid-like structures; There have been found large pyramids in North and South America, Egypt, China, and some smaller ones in Greece, the Canary Islands and Indonesia.
The site: http://talc.site88.net/mega.htm
A Brief Timeline
Before we enter upon the first chapter, here is a brief hypothetical time line of the earliest history of mankind as certain parts of it are being described in the next chapters. This time line is especially based on information of psychic intuitives like Edgar Cayce (the most documented psychic intuitive from the 20th century), trance mediums Daan Akkerman and Rev. Douglas James Cottrell (PhD), the translations of the Sumerian clay tablets by Samuel Noah Kramer and Zecharia Sitchin, and modern archaeology. Please do not not blindly accept or "believe" any of the numerous claims which are not considered as scientific facts, but try to consider these alternative points of view and form your own opinion. When two sides have complete opposite, polarized opinions about a subject, it is often the case that the truth lies in the middle, as both sides could have perfectly valid arguments. If something is really true, it will likely be proven eventually with the aid of our growing archaelogic, technologic and scientific knowledge, but this will not happen before it will be seriously considered and examined.
All mentioned dates are approximate.
- 3.8 Billion years ago: Pre-Cambrian period. First organic life (bacteria) on Earth. (Archaeology)
- 542 Million years ago: Cambrian period. Complex organisms became common. (Archaeology)
- 250 Million years ago: Triassic period. Early dinosaur species emerged. (Archaeology)
- 199 Million years ago: Jurassic period. Large dinosaurs roamed the earth. (Archaeology)
- (65/68 Million years ago: Mass extinction of the dinosaurs according to modern archaeology.)
- 10.5 Million years ago: First ape-like human beings on the earth. (Cayce 2665-2) Possibly "Homo Habilis".
- 7 Million years ago: Existence of first beings we could identify as early primitive humans. (Cottrell)
- More than a million years ago: Human-like beings from an unnamed planet migrated to Mars and also started a colony on earth that in time became the Chinese race. (Ernest L. Norman) Possibly this was the original Lemurian race.
- 900,000 BC: Appearance of the now lost civilization of Lemuria, located in the Pacific Ocean. (Cayce)
- 500,000 BC: Destruction of the Lemurian civilization. (Cayce)
- 485,000 BC: Alalu, from the planet referred to as "Nibiru", arrives on earth. (Sitchin)
- 445,000/414,000 - 300,000 BC: Arrival of Enki, Enlil and their helpers on earth. (Referred to as the "gods" in the ancient Mesopotamian myths and legends.) Enki and his spouse Ninhursag created primitive workers that were called the species of the "Adama" followed by the much more intelligent "Adapa", through genetic manipulation of a still primitive race of humans that still existed (the ape man). Enlil brings the workers to the Edin in Mespotamia. (Sitchin)
- Between 400,000 BC and 200,000 BC: Possible time frame of the Biblical story about the communion between the "sons of God" (possibly Cro-Magnon man) and the "daughters of men". (This time frame is based on the statement of Daan Akkerman that this happened during the transition phase from the age of Lemuria to that of Atlantis.)
- 350,000 BC: Restoration of the Lemurian civilization. (Cayce)
- 250,000 BC: Final disappearance of Lemuria. (Cayce) Possible time frame for the erection of the oldest Moai statues at Easter Island after the disappearence of Lemuria. (Cottrell)
- 200,000 BC: Start of the initial civilization of "Atlantis" and the first appearance of "Homo Sapiens Neanderthalis". (Cayce)
- 92,000 BC: Oldest known existence of modern Homo Sapiens. (Archaeology)
- about 88,000 BC (very rough estimate): The arrival of the colony of Initiates on the shores of the "Scandinavian part of the continent of Europe" who founded Stonehenge. The initiated priests and their followers appear to have belonged to a very early strain of the Akkadian race - they were taller, fairer and longer headed than the aborigines of the country. ("The Story of Atlantis", by W. Scott-Elliot)
- 55,000 BC: Oldest known existence of Cro-Magnon man in Europe. (Archaeology)
- 52,000 - 50,000 BC: Great technological advancements in Atlantis. (Cayce)
- 50,700 BC: The start of the time period of huge earth changes due to a shift of the magnetic poles of the earth. Atlantis lost land and became an archipelago of five islands. Initial migrations from Atlantis took place in small numbers to the east and west. The earliest settlements were in the region of the Pyrenees Mountains in France and Spain, and later in Central and South America. (Cayce) Lemuria also lost land and migrations were made likewise to Central and South America.
- Around 33,000 BC: Time frame of the third destructive force in the world and afterwards the building of the first dolmens in Egypt (Cottrell). Archeology found out that Cro-Magnon man (possibly from Atlantis) invaded the western shores of Europe and North Africa in several waves in the time frame around 35,000 BC. This time frame also marks the final extinction of the Neanderthals.
- 32,550 - 30,550 BC: First Golden Age of peace and enlightenment. Time of the Egyptian high priest Ra-Ta.
- 28,200 - 18,000 BC: Spiritual decline of Atlantis. During this time frame there was another shift of the magnetic poles of the earth caused volcanic eruptions which led to great earth changes and the start of the last known glacial age. Atlantis loses land again and becomes one island that is connected by a chain of islands to the land of North-America. (Cayce 470-22).
- Around 23,000 BC: Mass extinction of various animals including those large beasts, of which most of current modern scientists believe that all these species did became extinct millions of years earlier. The reason would be that many fossilized remains were wrongly dated to an age of millions of years ago. (Daan Akkerman) Rev. Douglas James Cottrell also mentions this date of 23,000 years ago as the Grand Meeting of all chiefs of the world to do away with those large beasts (these we might term "prehistoric") that were deemed destructive and a menace to the earth.
- 22,006 BC: Time frame of the Biblical "Deluge" also known as "Noah's Flood"; This particular "flood" would have happened during the "second of the eruptions" in: "two-thousand - two-two thousand and six" [22,006?] BC. (Cayce 364-6)
- 18,000 BC: First developments of saucer-shaped flying machines in Atlantis (according to Eklal Kueshana, author of the book "The Ultimate Frontier"). Possibly one of the "chariots" that had been witnessed and described by the Biblical prohpet Ezekiel. (Cayce 1859-1)
- 17,400 BC: First destruction of Atlantis. (7,500+9,900) (Cayce 364-11)
- 13,000 BC: Second Golden Age of peace and enlightenment.
- 11,160 BC: Time frame of the story of Zailm from Atlantis, in the book "A Dweller on Two Planets". Cigar-shaped aircraft, which could also travel under water, were commonly used in these times. (Oliver, "A Dweller on Two Planets (1894)")
- 11,016 BC: Arararat, second of northern Kings (Egypt) became ruler at age 16. (Cayce 341-9)
- 10,700 (BC?): The continent of Lemuria began its disappearance. (Cayce 364-4)
- Somewhere between 11,000 and 10,500 BC: Ancient knowlegde and history from the times of Atlantis had been concealed beneath the place which is now known as the Giza plateau in Egypt. (Cayce)
- 10,490 to 10,390 BC: The construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which took 100 years according to Edgar Cayce, and was directed by Ra and Hermes. (Cayce 5748-6) The pyramids were built around 10,500 BC and the Great Sphinx was built 100 years later; during the time of the "great eclipse". (Daan Akkerman)
- 10,360 BC: Destruction of the Atlantean manufacturing city Marzeus and Terna (the Biblical "cities of the Plain") by the "Navaz" forces (the enormous potential of the forces of nature) they had forgotten how to control. This caused the end of the knowledge and usage of advanced technology that was based on their science. (Oliver, "A Dweller on Two Planets")
- 10,360(?) - 9,900 BC: Greed, lust and corruption led to moral decline and the spiritual downfall of the golden age of Atlantis. Blinded by the fear for coming disasters, as retribution for their sinful lives, human sacrifices of innocent people became common in an attempt to attone for their mutual sins. (Oliver, "Dweller on Two Planets") Edgar Cayce also mentioned between 7,000 and 9,000 BC as the timeframe of the decline of the golden age of Egypt.
- 10,300 BC: Establishment of the Great Library in Alexandria, Egypt. (Cayce 315-4)
- 9,900 BC: Another shift of the magnetic poles happened during the end of the last glacial age. This caused more earth changes that led to the sinking of the remaining islands of Atlantis including Poseidia. (Cayce 364-1 and 288-1) The people that were able to escape at that time, fled to Egypt, Yucatan, Mexico and other places. (Cayce) This also brought changes to the connections of the electro-magnetic field of the earth, which started the further densification of matter what ended the possiblity for spiritual beings (gods/angels/genies) to materialize and dematerialize at will, and incarnation became the sole posibility to experience life on earth. (Daan Akkerman) According to Rudolf Steiner, people were able to percieve the world of the gods in their sleep before the decline of Atlantis, but not anymore thereafter.
- 9,000 BC: Animalistic influences like appendages of wings, tails, feathers, claws and hooves were finally disappeared from the human body, except for some remnants that were later depicted accurately in Assyrian and Egyptian art. (Robinson, "Edgar Cayce's Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man")
- 8,000 BC: Original construction of the temple complex of Angkor Wat. [Around 10,000 years ago.] (Cottrell)
- 6,000 BC: Ocean level rises again. Catastrophe in the surroundings of the Bimini Islands. (Archaeology)
- 5,500 BC: Date of the Biblical "Exodus", according to Edgar Cayce, where Ramesses II was Pharaoh. (Cayce 470-22) This however contradicts the historical date of the reign of this Pharaoh (1,279-1,213 BC) according to Egyptologists, which would mean that either Edgar Cayce or the Egyptologists were wrong in this regard.
- 3,800 BC: Generally accepted by archeologists considered as the date of the "sudden" rise of a highly evolved civilization in Sumer (ancient Southern Iraq). (Archaeology)
- 1,194 -1,184 BC: The Trojan War against the city of Troy by the Achaeans (Greeks) after prince Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband Menelaus, king of Sparta. (Traditionally dated)
Second chapter: http://talc.site88.net/atla.htm - Atlantis
Third: Read below ;)
Fourth: http://talc.site88.net/mars.htm - Life on Mars
Fifth: http://talc.site88.net/anom.htm - Ancient anomolies
In ancient times many large monuments and megalithic structures had been built across the globe. Thought to be build by different cultures, there are certain similarities between them which could prove there ever was a global civilization or organisation in the ancient past. Many ancient cultures did build pyramids or pyramid-like structures; There have been found large pyramids in North and South America, Egypt, China, and some smaller ones in Greece, the Canary Islands and Indonesia.
Pyramids are generally thought of to be tombs for the king, but there is a serious problem with that idea. In Egypt, never has an extant mummy been found in any pyramid, nor have any parts of a mummy been identified with certainty as those of a king. Nobles and pharaohs like the famous Tutankhamun had been buried into the "Valley of the Kings", not inside any pyramid. As noted by "wisdom keeper" and archaeologist Abd'el Hakim Awyan (1926-2008) from the "Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism: Keepers of the Ancient Egyptian traditions" (www.khemitology.com), there is a difference between the mastaba, which is a glorified burial place like the pyramid of Djoser, and the pyramids at Giza which served another function, but generally still thought of a burial place because of the inclusion of a granite stone box which is thought to be the kings' sarcofagus.
Mummification had been practiced not only in Egypt, but also in South America, China and the Canary Islands. There are researchers who think that, because of the building of the pyramids and the practices of mummification at the Canary Islands, these ancient people could have been a certain group of refugees from the lost civilization of Atlantis.There are many mysteries considering the construction of these megalithic structures. Many were build using very large and very heavy stones. How could they have lifted them in ancient times without the aid of machines? Why did they go into the trouble of dealing with such heavy stones as they could used lighter and smaller stones. It makes no real sense unless they could do it with ease and/or for very specific reasons.Also, in Egypt, Peru (Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo) and Easter Island, there are certain walls which are constisting of very heavy interlocking stone blocks of various sizes, seamlessly pieced together like a puzzle, and without the use of composite building material.
Caïro, Egypt | Machu Picchu | Easter Island |
There is also the mystery of the so-called giant stone balls of Costa Rica in the Diqius Delta. These stone balls were clearly man-made, but their purpose, and who made them, is unknown. Most of these are made of granoduirite, a hard, igneous stone. Their size ranges from as small as a tennis ball to a huge 8 feet in diameter; weighing 16 tons, and its spherical precision and smoothness is of such a perfection that it would be impossible to re-create these without the use of power tools, though, maybe only if one wanted to put an incredible amount of time into this, perhaps as much as a life time. Another puzzling part of the mystery is that they are not only found in Central America, but also in other parts of the world including Malta, Easter Island and New Zealand. | Some stone balls at Costa Rica |
There are theories that these balls were once star maps, aligned to planets and stars if they were never had been moved. In one of his sessions about this subject, trance medium Douglas James Cottrell told that these balls were used as "holding or loadstones" to balance these vehicles that would need to be tethered, and sometimes they were used as counterweights. Though he did not mention the kind of vehicles, it may be possible that these were ships and/or air balloons. (See the Youtube video "Rev. Douglas James Cottrell PhD: Miscellany vol. 4 - World mysteries", by Rammsteinregeln.)
Dispite all this evidence that points to a very specific style of architecture and customs practiced in all these places far away from each other, most archeologists today still believe that there had been no pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact in the ancient past.
There are numerous pyramids in Egypt, but the ones which particulary stand out in architectural archievement are to be found at the Giza Plateau, especially the one which is called the "Great Pyramid of Giza", the only one of the "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" which still exists today. Its size consists of more then 6 hectares, exists of an estimated 2.3 million blocks, and is one solid mass of stone with corridors leading to different rooms. According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus the Egyptians did built this pyramid in twenty years. However, if that is true, they had to place one block in five minutes for twenty years without any interruptions, and installing approximately 800 tons of stone every day. This pyramid is slightly sloped inward towards the centre of each course, which is only really noticeable from above. | The Giza Plateau in Egypt |
The pyramids originally had been fully coated with smooth casing stones of highly polished lime stone. It is said there where originally 144,000 casing stones on the Great Pyramid. Most of these stones where removed in later times for use in the building of modern temples, mosques and general building construction. We know this because a number of these casing stones are still in place at the top of the Pyramid of Khaefre and the bottom stone layers of the Pyramid of Menkaure. The Great Pyramid has none left however, and besides that, it's top is missing, suggesting this was also made of some valuable material which had been removed in the past.
Remaining casing stones at the bottom of the pyramid of Menkaure | Casing stones at the top of the pyramid of Khaefre |
Above the roof of the "King's Chamber", which is formed of nine slabs of stone weighing in total about 400 tons, are five compartments known as the "relieving chambers". In one of these chambers called "Campbell's Chamber", there are supposed mason marks and a cartouche on the southern roof blocks that is believed to be depicting the name of what many Egyptologists believe was the builder of the Great Pyramid; The pharaoh Khufu, who according to Egyptologists ruled in Egypt's 4th dynasty from 2,589 to 2,566 BC. The presence of sea shells at the base of the pyramid may indicate however that this pyramid, as also theorized by certain Arabian historians, could have been built before a great flood (end of the last ice age some 12,000 years ago), long before the rule of the pharaoh Khufu.Another cartouche on the south wall of "Lady Arbuthnot's Chamber" had been found spelling the name "Khnum-Khuf", which is nowadays believed by many to be Khufu's real name, meaning: "the god Khnum protects me." If one finds a name in a building that wouldn't not have to mean that this has to be the name of the one who had built it; However, these two cartouches are still to this day regarded as the only real "evidence" that would prove Khufu was the builder of the Great Pyramid.
The cartouche in Champbell's Chamber had been discovered by Howard Vyse in 1837. However, shortly after the discovery people already suspected that it was Vyse himself who painted this cartouche on this highly unusual place. One person of his staff noticed that the paint of the cartouche was still wet(!) After a thorough research in 1980, Zecharia Sitchin became convinced that the cartouche was a forgery. It seems that the name of Khufu on the cartouche initially had been spelled wrong and seemed to be corrected afterwards. It is suspicious that this specific writing error also occurred in the only source material about hieroglyphs that where available to Vyse in 1837, and the kind of red ochre paint, which had been used for the cartouche, was still in use in 1837.
While there are also unforgable quarry marks positioned behind the blocks, only visible through cracks in certain stones, the cartouche with the assumed name of Khufu however is in plain view and could easily have been tampered with by Vyse. There can be no conclusive evidence though whether the cartouche is real or a forgery unless researchers date the ochre paint of these symbols, but at the time of writing this has not been ever been allowed. (More: www.rickrichards.com, and here:www.eridu.co.uk)
The Great Sphinx of Giza
The Great Sphinx of Giza had been carved out of one single huge block of limestone, except for the paws which constists of a number of smaller stone blocks. These smaller stone blocks could be the restoration work of the Romans. The Sphinx is about 200 feet long, 70 feet high, and 38 feet wide across the shoulders. It depicts a lion with a human head. To this day no one can say with absolute certainty in whose face the Sphinx had been carved. It could be the face of a ruler or the pharaoh who ruled at that time. It is often believed that it represents the pharaoh Kahfre, but certain experts say that his facial features do not match. The head could have been recarved at one point in time, because the head is quite small in proportion to the rest of the body. It has even been suggested that the head originally could have been the head of a lion. The Sphinx was painted red for much of its documented history.
The Sphinx is commonly believed by Egyptologists to have been built by ancient Egyptians of the Old Kingdom in the reign of the pharaoh Khafre (ca. 2558-2532 BC) However, American Egyptologist John Anthony West found solid evidence that the Sphinx endured water erosion, which is especially visible on the walls of its enclosure. According to computer models there were no long heavy rainfalls in Egypt except in the time prior to at least 7,000 BC, which means that the Sphinx is much older than considered by current mainstream Egyptologist. Mainstream Egyptologists see the patterns of erosion only as the effect of wind erosion, but wind erosion does not form very smooth diagonal slopes like the result of water erosion. Another possiblility is the influence of a possible flooding at the end of the last ice age around 10,000 years ago.
Trance medium Daan Akkerman asserted in his book "Lanto 1: Atlantis" that the pyramids in Egypt would have been built by the heirs of the civilizations of Atlantis, when levitation, materialization and dematerialization where common practice. The Sphinx originally had been built with the head of a lion. When the head did suffer from severe erosion, it was recarved into the head of the reigning pharaoh, and this is why the smaller head is out of proportion compared to the rest of the body. People knew in these times that the astrological sign of Leo would bring huge changes for the mankind and the other creatures of the earth, and that the densification of matter would be so strong that one could only work through the force of matter. All the ancient knowledge from Atlantis and Lemuria had been stored under the Sphinx, from where there is a doorway to a tunnel complex that leads to a very deep and very large repository of information, which Edgar Cayce called the "Hall of Records".
According to the readings of the famed American psychic Edgar Cayce, early civilized Egypt was the result of colonization by those who originally came from the civilization of Atlantis and their colonies in specific parts of Europe. Possible evidence for this is the testing of king Tutankhamon's DNA in the year 2010, which showed that his DNA was a 99.6% match with Western European chromosomes. (See: www.eutimes.net.) The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid would have been built in the time frame of 10,500 BC., at the time the high priest Ra-Ta led Egypt into a golden age of peace and enlightenment.The Sphinx was originally meant as a memorial to the chief councilor called Asriaio, whose face is currently on the Sphinx. The Great Pyramid was built in 100 years, from 10,490 BC to 10,390 BC, and was directed and conceived by Ra, but Hermes was the architect and the Isis was the advisor. The geometry within the structure contains the spiritual evolution of mankind, with periods of both progression and degression, and was aligned with certain stars.
Teotihuacán is an important archaeological site in Mexico which is covering more than 20 square kilometers. Only about 3 percent of the site has been fully excavated. Teotihuacántranslates to: "City of the Gods" in Latin, but also translates to: "Where Men Became Gods" in Nahuatl language. Ancient myths assert that Teotihuacán was the birthplace of creation, and where the gods would observe the evolving world and judge its progress. Legends tell that the two largest pyramids had been built by the "giants" that existed in those days, and that Teotihuacán had been built with the purpose to "transform men into gods", probably meant allegorical. |
In Mexico we also find the impressive pyramid of Kukulkán at the Yucatán Peninsula.
The mysterious ruins near the village of Tiwanaku (Spanish: "Tiahuanaco" or "Tiahuanacu") on the south shore of Lake Titicaca in what is now Bolivia, could possibly be the oldest remains of a city ever found on earth. IIt is not known for what purpose it was build, but it is thought of to be a ceremonial site. The site as seen as today is an extensive reconstruction from the 1960s. It includes features that are entirely modern (extensive walls) and may not replicate the original site, which current archaeology believe had stone groupings and not continuous walls. The impressive "Gateway of the Sun" was actually built in a different location. | Wall at Tiwanaku |
There are researchers who think that the site could be 14,000 years old. After almost fifty years of investigation, the Polish engineer Arthur Posnansky concluded that Tiwanaku would be more than 15,000 years old if the temple of Kalasasaya originally would be aligned with true north, east, south and west, based on the tilt of the eath during that time. His assertion is supported by many astronomical orientations at the site, which are pointing in the direction of this date. On the walls of the complex there are imbedded statues of human heads but strangely enough there are also depictions of strange looking animals which look like toxodons, which according to modern archaeology would have been extinct sinds the end of the Pleistocene, some 12,000 years ago.
In the year 1523, local American Indians told the Spaniards that those gigantic buildings where build in one night, long before the Incas. Another legend tels that these cities where lifted through the air by the sounding of trumpets, which may indicate that some kind of ultra-sonic sound waves might have been used.
Part of the site of Tiwanaku is known as Puma Punku, in the Bolivian Andes. The word "Puma Punku" is Aymaran and translates to “Door of the Cougar”. Here there are huge stone blocks (the heaviest block is weighing 440 tons) which where supposedly part of a huge ancient but architectural advanced construction.The walls were made of solid interlocking multi-ton blocks of diorite, an extremely hard rock, and have been carved with very precise angles and shapes.Some even show what looks like tool marks; As if advanced techniques like frasing and drilling where used. Stone cutting experts agree that it would be nearly impossible for modern humans to duplicate this precise cutting using primitive tools. | Part of the remains at Puma Punku |
The Lake of Titicaca is a remarkable lake because the water isn't fully sweet but also slightly salt because it had been a sea in the past. At present the lake is situated 240 km from the Pacific Ocean, but could once have been part of it. There is evidence that lake Titicaca once was a saltwater sea. The fishes and seahorses in the lake are all oceanic types found only in saltwater, and its shoreline is littered with millions of fossilized seashells.
Archaeologists claim that the Aymara Indians built Puma Punku, but the Aymara themselves state that they did not; They claim beings from a sunken continent in the Atlantic Ocean came and did build these structures. There are also myths and legends that tell that these people had flying machines which utilized a fixed approach route. This may sound strange but the famous Nazca lines in Peru are only visible from high in the air, and perhaps they actually had the possibility to do so. According to this vision maybe Teotihucán could possibly have been intended as a kind of airport. Puma Punku seems to have been a large construction that faced a mayor destruction as these huge stone blocks seems to be tossed around with such great force as perhaps only could have happened by a great tidal waves.
According to the readings of Edgar Cayce, the Atlaneans established a colony in Peru and northern Bolivia and Puma Punku was built as a port complex on the former shore of lake Titicaca. This colony thus would probably also encompassed the walls of Sacsayhuamán and Macchu Picchu. Trance medium Rev. Douglas James Cottrell also mentioned in one of his sessions that Puma Punku had been built as an Atlantean port, and he further vaguely explained how these blocks where heatened and carved out by some sort of ancient technology which relied on light (laser) and sound (vibration). (See the Youtube video: Rev. Douglas James Cottrell PhD: Puma Punku - sacred site of the Andes, by Rammsteinregeln.)
In the city Cusco (Spanish: Cuzco) of Peru, there are enormous stone blocks of various shapes forming the walls of the complex called: Sacsayhuamán and are fitted together like the pieces of a puzzle. Initially Sacsayhuamán was thought to be a fortress but today researchers are not so sure of this anymore.
Some of these stones are weighing up to an incredible 500 tons and are 27 feet in height. These kind of interlocking stones are also to be found in other various other megalithic buildings in Peru (Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo), Egypt and even in Easter Island.Like the megalithic stones in ancient Turkey, Egypt, Greece and in Tiwanaku, certain stones are also joined together by bronze clamps. Some of the bronze had seemingly been poured in place, a skill thought not available in pre-Columbian Peru. | Wall of Sacsayhuaman |
Within the Hayu Marca mountain region of Peru there had been found a mysterious structure, about 35 km from Puno to Lake Titicaca. It was only recently been found, in 1996, though local people already knew of it's existence. It looks like a carved rock, measuring 7 meters heigh and 7 meters wide. At the center there is a 1.5 meters wide niche which gives the impression of a door.
As told by local legend, many structures including Tiwanaku and this structure, which is known as the "Portal to the Gods" or the "Portal to Heaven", were erected by Lord Muru, a ruler who came from the land of Mu (an ancient sunken continent which was once situated in the Pacific Ocean.)It is also called "the devil's door" by the locals because some have claimed that people have dissappeared, and in some cases reappeared, near the door. Some have noted strange, tall men accompanied by glowing balls of lights, walking through the doorway. (Source: the short movie "The Stargate of Aramu Muru":http://xpeditionstv.com/11) | "Doorway" of Aramu Muru |
It is a mystery how and for what purpose this was built. Possible it wasn't meant as a structure but may have been used as a quarry like the strange quarry in Ollantaytambo, located in southern Peru; At this stone quarry one can see that the stones are cut out of the rock as if one carved them from butter, leaving a very smooth surface with traces of horizontal lines at the bottom (not seen on this specific image however), as if it had been cut with laser technology. According to both psychic intuitives Edgar Cayce and Douglas James Cottrell one was already familiar with the laser during the technologically advanced period of Atlantis. | Quarry at Ollantaytambo |
Another noteworthy connection with Atlantis is found in the ancient legends of Ollantaytambo, which tell us that before the Incas built on its foundations, the building was said to be originally constructed by "the Children of the Sun". In the book "A Dweller on Two Planets" (chapter 18), the inhabitants of Poseid (the largest island of Atlantis) were called the "Children of the Sun". The sun symbolized "Incal", which was their name for "God".
Easter Island (Rapa Nui)
In the Pacific Ocean, located 2,300 miles from the coast of Chile, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, there is an isolated island that is known for its hundreds (887) of colossal humanoid statues called the "Moai". The biggest Moai, though unfinished laying in the bedrock, weighs an incredible 250 tons. The tallest erected Moai statues are weighing up to 86 tons. There is no explaination for how these immensely heavy statues could have been quarried and transported across the island. These Moai statues also have bodies, which through time and ages, had gradually (but not fully) sunken into the ground. Upon these bodies there had been found carvings of unknown hieroglyph-like writing or symbols. | Moai |
The native of people of Easter Island would have told the English architect Robert Stacy-Judd, that this island was actually the peak of a holy mountain from the lost continent of "Mu" (Lemuria). They believe Rapa Nui was the only portion of the continent that had not been covered by the sea. According to the natives, because they where pretty stuck on the island, it eventually got depleted of it's own natural resources, and at that time they eventually sank so low they gave in to the horrors of cannibalism that further destroyed most of its population.According to trance medium Douglas James Cottrell, the Maoi were markers for those who lost their lives in "the land of Mu and Og, to Lemuria itself". (Edgar Cayce mentioned the land "Og" as the ancient land that existed of both ancient Bolivia and Peru; see Cayce Reading 993-1.) These stones would float (antigravity technology?) and would be engrained with the prayers of a thousand priests. They were positioned facing to the west, were Mu once was. (Source: "Rev. Douglas James Cottrell PhD examines Easter Island" and a follow up video, both by Rammsteinregeln.)
In Baalbek, situated in Libanon, there is a temple complex which had been built by the Romans. However, these Roman temples were built on a foundation consisting of the biggest and heaviest stones in the world that were ever carved and placed into position. It is certain that the Romans never claimed to have laid its foundation. Blocks can be found of about 10 meters in length, 5 meters high and 3 to 4 meters deep. They weigh more then 450 tons per block. Above these megaliths there are three blocks which are even heavier, weighing each more then 1000 tons, called Trilithons or Triliths.
In a neighboring stone quarry the biggest stone of them all can be found and weighs approximately 1158.696tons and is called the "Stone of the Pregnant Woman". A second ancient monolith was discovered in the same quarry in the 1990s, which even surpasses the dimension of the well-known Stone of the Pregnant Woman. Its weight is estimated at 1242 tons.
Today there are few machines who could lift, transport and place such a block. It is unthinkable and probably even impossible man could do this in the past with only manpower, ropes and primitive tools.
| "Stone of the Pregnant Woman" |
The prehistoric megalithic site known as Stonehenge, which is situated in the English Amesbury in southern Wiltshire, was produced by a culture that left no written records. Archaeology doesn't really know for what purpose Stonehenge was build. It is suggested that it could have been used as an astronomical observatory, a healing centre, and a place ritual and ceremonial uses. The present Stonehenge had been thoroughly restored through the last centuries and early pictures and drawings from the 19th century prove that it was in a worse state before, which could raise the question whether it was reconstructed properly enough. | Stonehenge (present day) |
The site exists of a circular row of stones which originally stood upright next to each other and were above every two stones there was placed another stone in flat horizontal position. Within the circle there is placed another row of stones forming an "U"-shape like a horseshoe. In the center of the circle there is a rectangular stone which is called the "Altar Stone". Each stone is about 21 feet tall and weights about 44 tons. It is not known how they where moved. It is demonstrated that it is possible to get heavy stones in upright position by digging in the ground below. The real problem though, which is still unanswered today, is how they were able to place these horizonal placed stones at the top of the standing stones. If a ramp would have been used it needed to be sturdy enough to withstand the enormous weight pressure. | Stonehenge in 1877 |
The oldest known depiction of Stonehenge ever found is from the 14th century manuscript of the "Roman de Brut" by the poet Wace and influenced by the account "Historia Regum Brittanniae". It seems to depict a large human, a giant, who seems to sets a top stone in place. (See image right.) It is likely that idea, that giants would have aided in the construction of Stonehenge, could stem from the Biblical stories that mentioned the existance of giants in the past.
The pseudohistorical account, the "Historia Regum Brittanniae" (The History of the Kings of Britain), by Geoffrey of Monmouth, a 12th century Welsh cleric, tells us that Stonehenge was dedicated to Merlin: the wizard from the Arthurian legend. The so-called "Bluestones" of the structure were known as healing rocks called the “Giant's Dance”, which where brought from Africa to Ireland by giants for their healing properties. Merlin directed its removal from Ireland, where it had been constructed on Mount Killaraus. Using his "gear" and skill he easily dismanteled the stones and sent them over to Britain, where Stonehenge was built. First Ambrosius Aurelianus was buried inside the ring of stones, then King Arthur's father: Uther Pendragon, and lastly Constantine III: the legendary 6th century king of the Britons and nephew of king Arthur. | Depiction from "Roman de Brut" by Wace |
In fact, the Bluestones exist of the type of rock that is today known as diabase or dolerite. Specialized research done by Brittish archaeologists in the year 2008 pointed out that these dolerite Bluestones from Stonehenge contain quartz crystal, which is still being used in the field of today's alternative health care for the same purpose. (See "this article from: "The Guardian".) According to the archaeologists, the complex was percieved as a health resort, a kind of Lourdes from ancient times, because there had been found many skeletons that showed physical injuries, from which not all came from the nearby region.
This approach is in accordance with one theory that the quartz crystal within the stones was meant to harmonize the energy of its direct surroundings, including the water within the surrounding trench by which it became revitalizing and healing water. These crystals would recharge themselves constantly due to the moving ground water and perhaps the magnetic influence of the moon. (Perhaps ionization of the air plays a role in the whole process, by which the air becomes a conductor instead of a resistor.)Quartz crystal is also used In the world of electronics to create a constant frequency or to filter out a certain frequency from other frequencies. Quartz is a piëzoelectric material, what means that it can generate an electric charge when weight pressure is applied on it. The frequenties that one can generate within the grid of the crystal are used in electronic equipment like quartz clocks and radio's. Because the surrounding standing stones are indeed under the weight pressure of the horizontal laying stones, it seems that they already knew about this effect in the ancient past and that they utilized this practically with a construction that was minimalistic but also very efficiënt and durable.
During this research there had also been found charcoal fragments that were dated to 7,000 BC and organic remains within the circle of the Bluestones were dated to 2,300 BC. There had been found four, possibly five, Mesolithic postholes (one may have been a natural tree throw), which were dated to around 8,000 BC.
According to a session of trance medium Douglas James Cottrell, Stonehenge would have been built by the ancient Atlanteans who arrived here to set up a beacon, a light. The construction could be considered as a calendar that would mark the changing seasons. The weather in those times was greatly different with a more tropical and stable climate, were the changing seasons were not as destinctive as today. Because the site was coordinated with the stars, they might know their growing seasons. In later times, there also came some remnants of certain lost Hebrew tribes, or tribe, of Dan who settled here, in particular the Bejamites. One could find similarities with this group of people, often referred to as druids, and those people who would inhabit North-America. (Source: "Rev. Douglas James Cottrell PhD: the purpose of Stonehenge in England", by Rammsteinregeln.)
This seems to relate to a certain passage about Stonehenge from the book: "The Story of Atlantis" (1896) by W. Scott-Elliott:
"A reference to the early inhabitants of our own islands may appropriately be made here, for it was in the early Akkadian days, about 100,000 years ago, that the colony of Initiates who founded Stonehenge landed on these shores -- "these shores" being, of course, the shores of the Scandinavian part of the continent of Europe, as shown in Map No. 3. The initiated priests and their followers appear to have belonged to a very early strain of the Akkadian race--they were taller, fairer, and longer headed than the aborigines of the country, who were a very mixed race, but mostly degenerate remnants of the Rmoahals. As readers of the Transaction of the London Lodge on the "Pyramids and Stonehenge," will know, the rude simplicity of Stonehenge was intended as a protest against the extravagant ornament and over-decoration of the existing temples in Atlantis, where the debased worship of their own images was being carried on by the inhabitants."
In various places from all over the world across the coasts of West Europe - from Portugal to Denmark - and in France, Ireland, Schotland, England, Sweden, the Netherlands, Russia, Korea and the American north-east, there are seemingly primitive constructions consisting of a single chamber and build with enormous megalithic stones. Because there are some dolmens which are buried with earth, it is generally accepted that these stones were used as a firm skeleton that was buried with a thick layed of earth, and this forming a hill. The entrance to the inside of this hill would be possible be closed by a rolling stone or a heavy stone slab. | Northern Caucasus Dolmen, Russia |
Archaeologists do not know how people could have erected these stones, who build them and for what reason, thus they came up with theories. The most widely accepted theory is that they are tombs, though at many places there haven't been found any human remains found inside these structures.Because of this, certain of these bunker-like dolmens may had been built to function as steady homes which offered protection against the cold, against roaming predators and to prevent the looting of the food supply, just like how ancient cavemen sought their retreat in caves. Most nearby found human remains seem to date from 4,000 to 3,000 BC, and the oldest nearby remains, which were found in Western Europe, were dated around 7,000 BC.
The "old religion" known as Paganism asserts that dolmens, stone circles, tree sanctuaries and menhirs were built in prehistoric times as spiritual centres at the intersection points of so-called "ley lines". (See the chapter: "Energy Lines of the Earth".) In later times, churches (whereof many of these date before the year 1350) had been built at many of these places. These places would hold a high etheric force in the earth that could be used to improve the communication with the Divine. It is believed that these etheric forces would be even stronger on specific dates.
Ancient legends tell us that these stones were being moved to its place by levitation, caused by loud chanting and the concentrated minds of people who gathered in a closed circle around the stone. Could these structures have been built with the aid of ancient now forgotten knowlegde and technology? Many of these stones look and feel rather unusually smooth with no sharp edges for a raw piece of stone, and sometimes the "ceiling" is made especially smooth. Dolmens often exist from large granite boulders. Granite is an igneous rock that often exists of three minerals: feldspars, micas and quartz. As research pointed out that the Bluestones from Stonehenge exist of diorite that holds tiny particles of quartz crystal, could it be that these stones also were once used for healing purposes?
The Netherlands has its own variation of dolmens, known as "Hunebedden", which are found the regions of Drenthe, Groningen and Friesland. All these dolmens have their entrances pointed to the south. The name "Friesland" comes from "Frya's Land"; named after the goddess Freyja, from Norse mythology. A certain number of these dolmens have some smooth, round and undeep holes that are known as "potmarks" that seem to be artificially created. It is not known how these holes were formed or created and whether or not they could have served a certain purpose. | D18 "Hunebed" (Dutch Dolmen) |
A copy of an ancient document from Friesland states that its inhabitants; the Frisians, once came from another land that was struck by huge earthquakes and was ultimately swallowed by a great flood, that was known as Aldland or Atland (possibly Atlantis). Based upon this document there had been published a book in the year 1872 called: "Thet Oera Linda Bok" (The Oera Linda Book), and exists of two parts; The earliest portion of the book, called "Frya's Tex" (Freyja's Law) was supposedly composed in 2194 BC, while the other part, the letter of "Hidde Oera Linda" dates to 1256 CE. The text is fully readable online at: http://www.sacred-texts.com/atl/olbAccoding to a session of trance medium Rev. Douglas James Cottrell, the earliest dolmens were erected some 35,000 years ago in Egypt (just after the third destructive force in the world) and this habit has spread from here to Europe where they are found the most in present day. These dolmens originally would have served as a sort of markers for travellers that sojourned on foot, that made it apparent that people had been here before. It also was a reminder that "all are One", and that one went in the direction towards civilization and friendship. The round holes that would have created in some of these stones would have been made to place certain precious stones or jewels into it that would illumate from the interaction with the stone of the dolmen. Could it be that these dolmens were able to hold a certain concentrated energetic, perhaps electric charge, like a battery? (Source: "Rev. Douglas James Cottrell PhD: The Baghdad Battery / Dolmen".)
Although not of ancient orgin, this place may have been built using long lost ancient knowledge. Around the year 1923, the Latvian-born Edward Leedskalnin built a park on his own with stone sculptures in Florida City which he named Rock Gate Park, later more known as Coral Castle. The place comprises numerous megalithic stones from limestone (mostly limestone that had been formed by coral), each weighing several tons. The park remained in Florida City until about 1936 when Leedskalnin decided to move and take the park with him. He spent three years moving the park including all of his sculptures 10 miles (16 km) north from Florida City to its current location in Homestead, Florida. | Rock Gate Park, also known as Coral Castle |
It is a mystery how one man could have moved these megaliths without the aid of motorized construction machines. When one asked how he could accomplish this feat he answered: "I understand the laws of weight and leverage and I know the secrets of the people who built the pyramids." (the pyramids of Giza).
Leedskalnin also researched electromagnetism and wrote a document called "Magnetic Current"(Readable here.), where he linked gravity with magnetism as being the same force. According to his theory all matter was being acted upon what he called "invidual magnets", with a positive and negative polarity like a magnet. It is supposed that he could have used this knowledge to move and lift his megalithic sculptures, because in his shed there had been found a mysterious machine with a flywheel with no known purpose.
Notably, he made his sculptures from limestone, which is the same material as the biggest part of the megalithic stones of the pyramids of Giza, certain stones of Stonehenge (the "Whitestones") and the stones of certain ancient dolmens. Perhaps the crystalline material within the stones could have a special electromagnetic property that perhaps could change its influence to gravity.
It is also noteworthy that both the old and the new location of Coral Castle is situated at an intersection of so-called ley lines, like with many other megalithic structures. Leedskalnin never fully explained how he lifted these stones and took his secret with him into his grave when he died in the year 1954.
Energy Lines of the Earth
William Becker; professor of Industrial Design at the University of Illinois, developped in collaboration with his wife Bethe Hagens; professor Antropology at the Governors State University, the theory of the "Planetary Grid" which they called the "Becker-Hagens Grid". Their theory was inspired by both the discovery of the Scotting biologist and writer Ivan Sanderson as the teachings of the Greek philosopher Plato. In Plato's writings the earth was regarded as a 120-sided polyhedron, which is a synthesis of both the dodecahedron and the icosahedron. This knowledge was known by the Greeks (Plato) but also by older civilizations. If we could behold the earth without the water of the seas however, we would be able to see that the earth is not an exactly perfect sphere but has more the shape of a cinder existing of many flat sides.
During the Middle Ages dowsers knew of energy lines that would run through the earth. These energy lines are essentially the meridians of the Earth through which her life force flows and it is supposed that these meridians would follow the sides of the polyhedron of the earth. Specific intersections of these energy lines were revered as "power places", where orginally had been built Pagan sanctuaries where many of them were were broken down and replaced with Christian churches in later times. These places would have been believed to emit higher etheric forces that would be of a healing and revitalizing nature, and benificial for an improved contact with the Divine.
The British amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins noticed, during his research of these prehistoric places, that many of the names of the places which were all situated on one single line, contained the notion of "Leah", which according to him means: "protection" or "shelter", and since that time these lines were called "ley lines". Many megalithic sites from over the world seem to be build at or nearby an intersection of ley lines, including the large pyramids from various ancient cultures, by which they are connected to each other as in a network, according to the planetary grid.
Because it is said that the current nature scientific measurement devices are not able to prove these energy lines, the existence of these lines are not scientifically acknowlegded. However, in science one knows the phenomenon of so-called "telluric energy", also called "earth currents", which is an electric current that is usually measured as extremely low in frequency and that travels large distances through the crust of the earth and oceans. It is thought that this current is directed by the flow of the groundwaterand possibly enhanced by minerals. In this sense earth currents are definitely energy lines.
Long before the discovery of these earth currents, the channeled book "A Dweller on Two Planets" (1894) already mentioned the idea of so-called "earth-currents" (p. 37) and was explained as the knowlegde and technology to use nature as a potentially very powerful source of energy (the Navaz forces). This knowlegde would have been utilized during the technologically advanced period of Atlantis but people lost this knowlegde however after a series of huge catastrophes.Trance medium Rev. Douglas James Cottrell explained this grid (amongst others in his ebook: "The New Renaissance") as a sort of highway where, at specific places, certain holy places, pyramids and temples were built that were geometrical equally spaced from each other. These were places for the alignment of the disruptive forces that would be called "anti-gravitational" (magnetic and anti-magnetic disruption), by which both stone and metal could float in the air. At each of these places there would be a level of mica and carbon at the bottom. However, the actual flow of energy "derailed" when certain Atlantean temples dissapeared into the sea at the time when the continent of Atlantis broke up into five islands. This technology would also have been used before on the planet Mars, and that is why one also finds pyramid-like structures on that planet.
In his book: "Lanto 1: Atlantis", trance medium Daan Akkerman said the following about pyramids: (freely translated to english)
"All pyramidal forms have the purpose to break the force fields that stream around the planet, and to reflect and to generate these to a new form of force. Every expert calculation gives another force field, sometimes well measurable for man and sometimes not."
Energy lines and intersection points:
Line between (1) and (21): Alexandria and Giza, Egypt Line between (11) and (20): Stonehenge, England (12): The ancient city of Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan (13): Pyramids around the city Xian, China (14): The Devil's Sea or Dragon's Triangle (17): Megalithic sites of Tiwanaku, Bolivia (18): The Bermuda Triangle, and Coral Castle in Florida Line between (18) and (37): Bimini Road, Bimini Line between (18) and (33): Pyramid of Kukulcán, Yucatán | Line between (20) and (2): Ruins of Djémila, Algeria Line between (21) and (12): Ruins of Axum, Ethiopia (25): The temple of Angkor Wat, Cambodia (26): Megalithic sites, Sarawak and Borneo (28): The megalithic city of Nan Madol, Pohnpei (35): Megalithic sites and the Nazca lines, Peru (40): Ancient mines and structures, Zimbabwe (47): Megalithic sites and statues, Easter Island (62): South Pole, Antartica |
Alignment with the StarsVarious ancient structures such as those in Egypt, Mexico, and Angkor Wat, seem to be coordinated to specific star constellations. The "Orion Correlation Theory" from author, lecturer and Ancient Egypt researcher Robert Bauval (robertbauval.co.uk), is based on his assumption that the three large pyramids at the Giza plateau of Egypt, are conclusively matching three specific stars from the belt of the star constellation of Orion: Alnitak, Alnilam en Mintaka. Furthermore, two of the other stars of Orion also seem to match with the destroyed site in Abu Rawash and the pyramid in Zawjet Al Arjan. In ancient Egypt, the constellation of Osiris was identified with Osiris, who was one of their most important gods.
The author Wayne Herschel (thehiddenrecords.com) took this idea somewhat further, expanded the ‘mapping of the heavens’ idea substantially and managed to align in the order of 30 or more pyramids in Egypt with corresponding visible stars in the heavens. Herschel is convinced that Abu Rawash represents the star Sirius, the Giza plateau represents Orion, Abu-sir would present the Pleiades, and Sakkara would present Andromeda. He is also convinced that the Nile river once mirrored the milky way in ancient times around the period of 10,500 BC. This is probably what the mythological sage Hermes Trismegistus meant when he wrote:
"Egypt is an image of the heavens... The 'whole' cosmos dwells here."
According these theories the Nile river would be seen as the image of the Milky Way. When we use a computer simulation that is able to calculate the movement and position of the stars, and if we then turn back time, we will see that the patern would match only as early as 10,500 BC because the Milky Way would be 8 miles further in the east within that time frame. This would be according to various psychic intuitives, like Edgar Cayce, the time frame when the Great Pyramid and the Great Sphinx of Giza had been built. Like one can see, the pyramids of Giza don't seem to be perfect images of the stars of Orion's Belt and the Milky Way is on the wrong side. The alignment would only be correct if the earth would have been flipped vertically in the past, by which the region of the north pole would have become the south pole and the region of the south pole the north pole. This effect is known as the theory of a pole shift and according to psychic intuitives like Edgar Cayce, such a pole shift would indeed have happened at the end of the last glacial age around 9,000 BC. Could this be the reason why the ancient Egyptian drew their maps with the south at the top? Upper Egypt was in the south while Lower Egypt was situated in the north. | Constellation of Orion |
Further would the date of 10,500 BC also match with the time when the Great Sphinx of Giza was gazing at the constellation of Leo in the heavens. If the north and the south would indeed have been reversed in this time then the Sphinx and the constellation of Leo would have been a perfect reflection of each other, instead of a mirrored one such as is the case today. It is also an important clue that the Sphinx would have been built during this period. The ancient Egyptian text known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead possibly mentioned in chapter 17 a short historical record about a catastrophical disaster by which "the old lion" turned around and "following the order of the world to turn around".
Explorer and author Andrew Collins has another vision about the alignment of Egypt to the stars. According to him, the pyramids at Giza (and other ancient megalith sites) are aligned not with the star constellation of Orion, but with the star constellation of Cygnus instead. The argument is that Orion does not match exactly with the pyramids on the ground and that Cygnus makes a better fit. However, Cygnus matches only reasonably in present day, but the match is rather poor when compared to the night sky of hundreds of years ago.
Explorer and author Andrew Collins has another vision about the alignment of Egypt to the stars. According to him, the pyramids at Giza (and other ancient megalith sites) are aligned not with the star constellation of Orion, but with the star constellation of Cygnus instead. The argument is that Orion does not match exactly with the pyramids on the ground and that Cygnus makes a better fit. However, Cygnus matches only reasonably in present day, but the match is rather poor when compared to the night sky of hundreds of years ago.
In 1998 Graham Hancock and John Grigsby showed a suggestive correlation between the temples around Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom and the stars from the constellation of Draco. And like mentioned earlier: According to Shirley Andrews' book "Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization" (2002), the building plan and orientation of the buildings at Teotihuacán were built in alignment to the rising and setting of the Pleiades.
The Mystery of the Pyramids
Usually, a burial place of the pharaoh is beautifully enriched with ornaments, decorations and hieroglyphs, but none are found in the Great Pyramid in Egypt; We only find a bland grey stone box with no lid in a completely undecorated chamber. There is no absolute evidence that this pyramid had ever been used as a tomb. Actually, there had never been found any body of a pharaoh within a pyramid, as the ancient Egyptian royalties were entombed in the place that is called the "Valley of the Kings", where also the tomb of the famous young pharaoh Tutankhamon had been found in 1922 by Howard Carter and George Herbert.
The so called "King's Chamber", situated in the heart of the Great Pyramid, is entirely faced with smooth granite stones which are fitted with such precision that it is impossible to insert a piece of paper between them. In this small chamber there only is an empty granite stone box with what seems to be a damaged corner. From the examination of experts, it would have been cut with a seemingly impossible high degree of precision for that time, like in laser precision, which would have been impossible achieve by using primitive tools only. The general belief among egyptologists is that this stone box was the sarcofagus of the mummified body of the pharaoh Khufu, though there is no convincing evidence for this statement and there was never found any mummy inside this box or elsewhere in the pyramid. |
Some researchers think the Biblical "Ark of the Convenant", from the story of Exodus, actually rested here within this stone box in these times before Moses took it with him. The inner dimensions of the coffin are: 6.49 ft. in length, 2.22ft. in width, and 2.86 ft. in depth, and according to the Bible (Exodus 25:10-11) the convenant was 1 1/2 cubits in width and depth and 2 1/2 cubits in length, thus it could have easily fit in the granite coffer. (2 1/4 ft. in height and depth, and 3 3/4 ft. in length. A cubit is approximately 1 1/2 feet.) In the Bible it is described that the Ark of the Convenant sometimes was used as a weapon, which could mean it could have been some device that stored, or could generate, some kind of powerful energy.
In both the "Queen's Chamber" and the "King's Chamber", there are two narrow shafts in the northern and southern walls. (For the record: There is no tradition of any queen of Egypt ever being entombed in the pyramid of her husband.) It is not fully clear what the purpose was of these shafts, but they appear to be aligned on stars or areas of the northern and southern skies. It was probably not meant to directly sight stars through them because the northern shaft follows a dog-leg course, unless there would ever had been placed some kind of reflecting mirrors at the bents, but such things were never found. These shafts are often explained as a doorway for the soul of the deceased pharaoh. |
The northern shaft in the Kings Chamber is actually aligned to the North Star (a term used for the northernmost visible star.) Today this star is Polaris, appearing at the spring equinox, but in ancient Egyptian times this was the star Thuban, from the constellation of Draco. The southern shaft pointed towards the belt of Orion, which was associated with the god Osiris by the ancient Egyptians. In the Queen's chamber the northern shaft pointed towards the little dipper, while the southern shaft pointed towards the star Sirius, which was associated with the goddes Isis. |
According to trance medium Rev. Douglas James Cottrell, the shafts in the Queen's Chamber would have been sighting shafts that would be used to focus into the heavens itself. When it was open it pointed to a certain alignment of astrological influences which, when this alignment would re-occur, would signify the return to that renaissance or that period of understanding, the return of the consciousness of the Law of One. This would be a return of those minds and hearts, through their experiences in Atlantis, that would come to re-open, re-experience, regenerate and rebuild the planet itself. (Source: "Rev. Douglas James Cottrell PhD: The Great Pyramid Queen's Chamber Mystery Shaft", by Rammsteinregeln.)
The English author, craftsman and machinist Christopher P. Dunn (www.gizapower.com) suggested that there once had been a great explosion in the King's Chamber. It's walls can be seen separating from the floor and seem to bulge out, and the original color of the granite stone box and the nearby walls probably were pink, as in pink Aswan granite, instead of chocolate brown, which could indicate that they once had been scorched by a tremendous heat. Other evidence could be the large cracks in the granite beams at the ceiling of the chamber. The general suggestion is that these would have been caused by an earthquake. Maybe the granite box once had a lid that was blown off with dynamite, or some other explosive?Christopher Dunn is also under the impression that the pyramids at Giza could have been large energy generation devices and that traces of precision machining are evident in many ancient Egyptian structures. He further speculates that these giantic structures were built at these specific places on the earth, at those ley lines, not because the tectonic crust was very stable; it was just the opposite. In his view the crust of the earth was, or had became, very unstable in the past, leading to constant earthquakes, and those heavy structures were built to dampen those earthquakes and to stabilize the crust of the earth.
According to the ancient Egyptian (Khemetic) oral traditions, the Great Pyramid had been constructed in a way, according to so-called "sacred geometry", that it would benefit from various forces of nature which would generate in this manner an high vibrational etheric energy that could be harnessed to raise the frequency rate of the energy body. This resulted in an expansion of one's consciousness and a more pure connection with the Divine, which enabled one to connect and communicate with the sacred energies of the universe known as "Neters". In this manner the Great Pyramid was once used for the purpose of initiation within the stone coffer located in the hart of the piramid: the King's Chamber. This chamber would have been "tuned" to a certain tone/vibration by which, thanks to the law of resonance, the frequency of the energy body of the initiate would be raised to the frequency of the chamber. In a certain sense the Great Pyramid thus could be seen as a sort of musical instrument.The book: "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" (1928) by Canadian-born author and mystic Manly P. Hall (p.41) described the initiation in the King's Chamber:
"In the King's Chamber was enacted the drama of the "second death." Here the candidate, after being crucified upon the cross of the solstices and the equinoxes, was buried in the great coffer. There is a profound mystery to the atmosphere and temperature of the King's Chamber: it is of a peculiar deathlike cold which cuts to the marrow of the bone. This room was a doorway between the material world and the transcendental spheres of Nature. While his body lay in the coffer, the soul of the neophyte soared as a human-headed hawk through the celestial realms, there to discover first hand the eternity of Life, Light, and Truth, as well as the illusion of Death, Darkness, and Sin. Thus in one sense the Great Pyramid may be likened to a gate through which the ancient priests permitted a few to pass toward the attainment of individual completion. It is also to be noted incidentally that if the coffer in the King's Chamber be struck, the sound emitted has no counterpart in any known musical scale. This tonal value may have formed part of that combination of circumstances which rendered the King's Chamber an ideal setting for the conferment of the highest degree of the Mysteries."
Quoted from the website: "Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism", a modern day Egyptian "mystery school" (or wisdom school) which spreads the learnings from the ancient Khemetic (Egyptian) oral traditions and their own research:
"The ancients (all over the world) built many powerful and enigmatic structures, utilizing the elements from their environment, combining them with the energy naturally emanating from the earth’s ley lines, and constructed them in a fabric of sacred geometry reflecting the very cosmology and energetic make-up of our holographic universe. This was not the work of an unintelligent or unevolved societies!
The stone structures in ancient Khemit, that were used to mark, amplify and utilize the energy of the ley lines, were elaborate and complex, and included the placement of massive blocks of granite, basalt, diorite, alabaster, white calcite, sandstone and limestone, each required for its unique energetic properties, and were often transported from very long distances. Many of these huge blocks were quarried much later, during Dynastic and Ptolemaic times, to build Temples over existing Temples, Statues, and buildings. The writing on much of what we find at the sacred sites was added during these more modern times as well. As most of the standard historical dating of the sites and monuments has been based on the writings found in, on or around them, it is clear to us, that their findings are misleading and often blatantly wrong!
The Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx (who we call Tefnut) are far more ancient than our text books tell us! The ancient pyramids were not created to be tombs! The pyramids, temples and monuments were originally built and used as Energy Devices for transmitting and receiving energy and/or signals, as consciousness raising devices, and possibly as interdimensional or inter-galactic communication or traveling devices. A complex architecture of of the natural elements of energetic rock, combined with the frequencies of sound, and varying temperatures of running water, all effectively worked together to generate power. The various Pyramid, or Per Neter complexes here were networked in a dynamic design of underground tunnels and shafts implying an even wider scope of purpose and capability."
The stone structures in ancient Khemit, that were used to mark, amplify and utilize the energy of the ley lines, were elaborate and complex, and included the placement of massive blocks of granite, basalt, diorite, alabaster, white calcite, sandstone and limestone, each required for its unique energetic properties, and were often transported from very long distances. Many of these huge blocks were quarried much later, during Dynastic and Ptolemaic times, to build Temples over existing Temples, Statues, and buildings. The writing on much of what we find at the sacred sites was added during these more modern times as well. As most of the standard historical dating of the sites and monuments has been based on the writings found in, on or around them, it is clear to us, that their findings are misleading and often blatantly wrong!
The Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx (who we call Tefnut) are far more ancient than our text books tell us! The ancient pyramids were not created to be tombs! The pyramids, temples and monuments were originally built and used as Energy Devices for transmitting and receiving energy and/or signals, as consciousness raising devices, and possibly as interdimensional or inter-galactic communication or traveling devices. A complex architecture of of the natural elements of energetic rock, combined with the frequencies of sound, and varying temperatures of running water, all effectively worked together to generate power. The various Pyramid, or Per Neter complexes here were networked in a dynamic design of underground tunnels and shafts implying an even wider scope of purpose and capability."
(A certain theory about the workings of the pyramid as an energy generator had been explained In video: "The Secrets Hidden in the Pyramids of Egypt" and also had been presented during Carmen Boulter's documentary: "The Pyramid Code" (2009).)
The Giza pyramids exist for the most part of limestone, wherein is often formed quartz. The stones of the corridors and chambers are made of granite, which exists of three minerals: quartz, mica and feldspar. Within the granite blocks of the King's Chamber has found a high concentration of quartz. Most of the obelisks in Egypt are also of granite stone. The x-ray research of the French scientist Joseph Davidovits concluded that also the casing stones contain highly piezoelectric crystalline material. The piezoelectricity is the effect where crystals, of certain materials including quartz crystal, produce an electric current when under pressure and can also transform a electric current. In this case the stones of the pyramid could function as a large capacitor; an electric component that is able to store an electric charge. The running ground water below the pyramid was one of the many energy sources that would have been utilitzed and possibly it was also meant to transport the now charged and vitalized stream of water to other areas of the world.
The various angles of the upper shafts in the King's Chamber could possibly have been aligned for the sending and receiving of the energy from and to the stars which they are pointed to. American deep trance medium Paul Solomon (1939-1994) also described the pyramid for the purpose of accessing of energy from beyond the earth atmosphere. Quoting from "Source Reading 9217" during the year 1988:
"...Now, this is the source for the fascination with the power of the pyramid. And, if this were to be understood, contained a core of stone with a capacitor, an outlet oriented to specific stars, or star systems, Polaris being one. And with an overlaying sheathe of what is being called now, or rediscovered, re-invented, not yet perfected, called superconductive ceramics. [The ceramics] overlaid again with translucent calcite which allowed for accessing universal energy from beyond earth atmosphere and was used for a time for stabilizing the earth, but was misused at a time which caused great catastrophe on earth. Such instruments being sufficiently powerful when misused to disturb the atmosphere, the environment, even the climate, the weather, and more."Source: www.wisdomofsolomon.com/psr28.html
This will probably mean that the "core of stone with a capacitor" is in fact the granite "sarcofagus" within the King's Chamber, because one one of the shafts in the King's Chamber indeed points to the star Polaris.
Also at the pyramids of Teotihuacán in Meso-America we can find possible evidence for the generation of energy. The Pyramid of the Sun contained considerable amounts of granulated mica in layers up to 30 cm (12 in) thick. In 1906, sheets of mica were found between two of the upper levels of the Pyramid of the Sun, before they were removed and sold during restoration work. More recently a "temple" was also found on the site underneath the Pyramid of the Sun, where two massive sheets of mica of both 90 feet square were found on top of each other below a floor paved with heavy stone slabs. These sheets were identified as a type of mica that is only found in South America, some 2000 miles from Teotihacán. Because they were hidden away from sight they were not used as a decoration and logically must have had some function. Mica is nowadays used by the electronics industry in capacitor construction, and for both thermal and electric insulation.
At the ruins of the temple or pyramid at Abu Gurab in Egypt there had also been found huge sheets of mica in front of the complex, which adds further evidence that, although different in style, both the ancient Egyptian and Meso-American pyramids could have built according to the same base of understanding.
In his ebook "Jesus the Christ", deep trance medium Rev. Douglas James Cottrell mentions the "sarcophagus" within the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid as the "golden embodiment", which may mean that this originally was adorned with gold. Here there was a degree of experimentation with which some would call: "astral body travel", or awareness of the soul, or communication with the spiritual aspects. In a certain trance session (see: "Rev. Douglas James Cottrell PhD: Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids", by Rammsteinregeln) he give additional information about the Egyptian pyramids:The intention of the Great Pyramid was to communicate with the "Great Beyond", or the spiritual aspects. Both the King's Chamber as well the Queen's Chamber would align with certain astrological influences and there would be an attempt to receive great levels of wisdom through this point. The Hall of Records beneath the Sphinx was used as a repository for information and ideals that were subdued or suppresed. There is a grid around the planet, and various points on this grid would have had pyramids existing of the same, which were built by this organization or peoples who had fled from the continent known as Atlantis. The Egyptian pyramids were also built as an attempt to develop or maintain the power grid or the transportational aspects of the planet itself. (See the chapter: "Energy Lines of the Earth"). They were not simple mausoleums or crypts.
The mica that is found in the base of certain temples or pyramids was used for the transition, the multiplication of the energy, for this material was both used as an insulator and a conductor. (Source: Cottrell's "Atlantis Revisited") These pyramids were generators and markers for large crafts that could move through the air, across the land or sea though gravitational and anti-gravitational forces, and were geometrically equally spaced around the planet that would act like beacons from where one could travel from one beacon to the other. (See the chapter: "Atlantis: Atlantean Flying Machines".) On a small scale these generators were used to lift stone; By the use of motors that would broadcast a high frequency vibration they would create a vortex above the object that would disrupt its gravitational push, and by such means stone and iron would float. According to Cottrell, this would be a push instead of a pull, because gravity would emanate from above and not from the ground. (Source: "Rev. Douglas James Cottrell PhD: Pyramids and UFO Technology" and "Rev. Douglas James Cottrell PhD: Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids part 2", by Rammsteinregeln.)
The Great Pyramid of Giza would have generated "magnetic electricity" (electromagnetism) that was collected as a combination of magnetism on two different planes or levels and radiating out like spokes in a wheel that would rotate in opposite directions from each other that would cause an alignment and an extension, namely the combination of electricity and magnetism together. (Source: "Rev. Douglas James Cottrell PhD: Miscellany vol 2: Esoterica and the unexplained", by Rammsteinregeln.)
James Tyberonn explained this energy flow from the pyramids as following, quoted from his website:www.earth-keeper.com:
"The pyramids have a dynamic energy flow of four lateral helixes. These are not exactly vortexes in the usual sense, but they are circulating energies. More accurately stated, I see two 'figure-eight' flow patterns. The energy enters on all 4 circles from the top third of the pyramid, through the King and Queens Chambers then circulates out through the ground and back up. Each circle is a centered lateral intersection of the 4 sides. The two 'figure eight flows are individually flowing from the four cardinal directions into the Kings Chamber...One north to south, representing male energy, the other east to west, representing female energy. The flow north to south is the strongest, due to the shifting of leyline spacing and the fact that the Nile ley flows south to north.
Above the pyramids, there is a precise double rimmed electromagnetic (in and out) vortex. Moving counter clockwise on the outer rim and clockwise on the inner rim. All of the pyramids are incorporated in this upper portal and vortex.
I also feel a connection specific axial connection for the electromagnetic grid (not the light grid) to be somehow anchored within the Great Pyramid vortex. I do also feel the light grid and gravity grid have key apex points at this great vortex-portal."
Above the pyramids, there is a precise double rimmed electromagnetic (in and out) vortex. Moving counter clockwise on the outer rim and clockwise on the inner rim. All of the pyramids are incorporated in this upper portal and vortex.
I also feel a connection specific axial connection for the electromagnetic grid (not the light grid) to be somehow anchored within the Great Pyramid vortex. I do also feel the light grid and gravity grid have key apex points at this great vortex-portal."
The Hall of Records
In ancient Egypt and Babylon, sphinxes where known as guardians of sacred places. There are ancient legends and stories about a mythical library of ancient knowledge buried under the Great Sphinx of Giza.
According to the book "Historie de la Magie" (1876), by the French author P. Christian, the Sphinx served as the entrance to the sacred subterrean chambers in which the trails of the initiate were undergone. It was formerly closed by a bronze gate between the paws of the Sphinx, with a secret spring mechanism which could be operated only by the Magi. According to the writer his gate would have been obstructed with sand and rubble, but today there is a stone floor at the ground. Could it be that this bronze gate is somewhere hidden below this stone floor? In the belly of the Sphinx would have been cut out galleries that would lead to the subterranean part of the Great Pyramid. These galleries were so artfully crisscrossed along their course to the Pyramid that in setting forth into the passage without a guide through this network, one ceaselessly and inevitably returned to the starting point.
According to Edgar Cayce's readings; in the bedrock under the Sphinx, the Atlaneans built a repository that was called the "Hall of Records". Here would be, amongst others, a historic record from the times of Atlantis, information about the customs and practices, scientific and medical knowledge, and music instruments. The opening to this hall was said to be found in the right shoulder of the Sphinx. (Maybe he meant the location of the mechanism to open the gate.) He predicted that these hidden records were expected to be discovered in 1996 to 1998, what apparently didn't happen yet.
The Hall of Records was also the subject of as much as 41 readings by deep trance medium Paul Solomon. During his reading given at the pyramid of Giza on January 23, 1981, he also described what would be found within the ancient Egyptian Hall of Records and also contains a warning to humanity to switch to alternative energy sources before it could be too late. Quoted from the websitewww.wisdomofsolomon/psr10.html:
"Many have thought and said that (the Hall of Records) were sealed until the evolution of consciousness . . . arrives at that point of attunement deserving of the information contained there. But it would be more accurate to say these records were stored against a time when they were needed. . . .
You are . . . on the brink of destroying the balance of the natural energies in and about this planet. And, in deed, affecting the balance of the entire system, the solar system, the universe itself. Then, the destruction of weather patterns, the imbalance of nature, the burning of fuels, has produced a difference in your atmosphere, both in temperature and the filtering of the rays of energy to your planet. All of these become threats to the existence of your race.
Within this Hall of Records, you will find formulas, descriptions of methods, very simple methods in truth, for harnessing, for using the power of nature itself. It is not necessary to take the fossil remains from the earth and burn it to produce energy on this planet.
The planet itself is designed in such a way, that holding its balance, its relationship through magnetic forces, through the forces of gravity and movement in relation to other bodies in the system, (it) produces enormous free energy. And it is simple, when working in harmony with nature, to use the energy nature produces and provides both through the movements of water on the planet and the influx of energy from the sun. Not just the energy of heat, not just solar energy, but rather magnetic and gravitational forces and these may be harnessed in a number of ways.
That (is) most available through the use of crystals. It is no secret that crystals easily can accept the rays of the sun, focus and magnify them to produce a greater source of energy than it receives.
. . . As you see these devices and formulas of a past time, you’ll see them appearing to you as somewhat primitive and yet, in the application of them, far superior to that you now have.
The formulas concern the use of energy. The harnessing of energy in harmony with the planet in natural ways not needing the use of machinery as you know it, but focusing of the available energy through crystalline forms and harmonics. The use of sound and light primarily, and energies you do not have words for, but relate closely to that you call the ethers, electricity, magnetic energy and gravitational energy. These are there. And the use of the mind as a magnificent instrument of understanding of the Laws of the Universe, these formulas are there as well.
There are fragments of a culture, records of its source and beginnings. Records of the lives of these and even the preservation of such things as their garments, their instruments, even food is still stored there, both edible and palatable. Seeds, seeds of such plants as you do not know in this time and will be useful in that period of recovery and the cleansing of the atmosphere."
(". . ." and "( )" implicate changes to the text to make it easier to read without changing its context.)
It is said by mainstream Egyptologists there is no evidence to indicate the "Hall" actually exists. However, various cavities where found under the Sphinx with ground-penetrating radar (GPR), but the general perception is that these cavities would be entirely natural. The website "Giza Geomatrix"actually presents their own scans of visible cavities and tunnels beneath the Sphinx and the pyramids.
Although first denied by the authorities; author Andrew Collins (www.andrewcollins.com) apparently re-discovered in the year 2008, behind a wall of the tomb that is known as NC2, a complex of long tunnels below the Giza complex after having read the memoirs from explorer Henry Salt, who recorded in 1817 how he gained acces to the same cave system, but for whatever reason never returned for further investigation. Most of these tunnels lead to a dead end, though one of them seems to continue in a narrow space, but hadn't been excavated yet at this moment of writing, because of the potential dangers of poisionous spiders and snakes. This tunnel could lead all the way to the Sphinx and possibly to the legendary Hall of Records. (See the documentary: "The Secret Caves of Giza".)
Edgar Cayce also said there where actually more "Halls of Records" hidden in other locations of the earth: One below miles of sea slime in a temple of the sunken island Poseidia, one in the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico, and one in Tibet. Trance medium Rev. Douglas James Cottrell also mentioned another undiscovered repository of ancient knowlegde below the temple complex of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. (See the video: "Rev. Douglas Cottrell PhD: Secrets of Angkor Wat", by Rammsteinregeln.)
Hello, I am the author of the website "The Lost History of Man". The site is no longer at www.talc.site88.net but is now instead on: www.thelosthistoryofman.com
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