dinsdag 30 juli 2013
maandag 29 juli 2013
The Secret Space Program
In this documentary the authors discuss the secret space program, what it is, who is behind it and why? Is there a human civilization living off-world with highly advanced technology and knowledge about the existence of aliens? Why are we being kept in the dark?
They feature lot of people and attendees of the Secret Space Program conference in Amsterdam who also share their own experiences with UFO sightings. Then, they hit the streets of Amsterdam where the locals speak their mind about aliens, abductions and making contact with ET.
Since approximately 1980, a secret space fleet code named ‘Solar Warden’ has been in operation unknown to the public… Is this nonsense, is it a conspiracy or is it simply so sensitive that it will cause uproar around the world?
They feature lot of people and attendees of the Secret Space Program conference in Amsterdam who also share their own experiences with UFO sightings. Then, they hit the streets of Amsterdam where the locals speak their mind about aliens, abductions and making contact with ET.
Since approximately 1980, a secret space fleet code named ‘Solar Warden’ has been in operation unknown to the public… Is this nonsense, is it a conspiracy or is it simply so sensitive that it will cause uproar around the world?
Source: http://quasi-mundo.com/2013/07/the-secret-space-program/
European Patent Office grants Monsanto patent on natural broccoli seeds, florets
(NaturalNews) Monsanto's efforts to usher genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) into the European Union (EU) have been largely stagnant in recent years, so the multinational corporation and others in the industry are taking a new and more evil approach to gain more market control. According to a recent announcement put forth by the human rights advocacy group No Patents on Seeds!, the European Patent Office (EPO) is now granting biotechnology companies patents on all-natural crops such as broccoli, which was recently handed over as private property to Monsanto.
Though vehemently opposed by the European Parliament, EPO's decision to legitimize private ownership of nature - in this case broccoli - is apparently becoming the norm throughout Europe. Since the biotechnology industry has failed at replacing nature with its own "Frankencrops" throughout Europe, it has set its sights on seizing ownership of nature itself by claiming patents on it. And unless the people step up to forcibly stop this, using whatever means necessary, then these crimes against humanity will only continue. "We are calling for broad support of our opposition against the patent on 'severed broccoli'," said Christoph Then from the group No Patents on Seeds! recently. No Patents on Seeds! has formed a petition in opposition to patents on natural crops that recently topped two million signatures, and the group is joined by a cohort of other environmental advocacy and health freedom groups throughout Europe in its efforts. "We intend to send a clear signal that we will not let our food be monopolized." You can access this petition here: http://www.no-patents-on-seeds.org Monsanto also pushing for ownership of life in America as wellNo Patents on Seeds! is joined by Bionext (Netherlands), The Berne Declaration (Switzerland), GeneWatch (UK), Greenpeace (Germany), Misereor (Germany), Development Fund (Norway), No Patents on Life (Germany), Rete Semi Rurali (Italy), Reseau Semences Paysannes (France), and Swissaid (Switzerland) in calling on European politicians to assume control over EPO for the purpose of amending the patent loophole."All the organizations involved are also making demands on European politicians," explains No Patents on Seeds!. "They are urging them to take over control of the EPO in order to change the interpretation of the current patent law through the Administrative Council of the EPO, which is the assembly of the Member States." The group Avaaz.org has also created its own petition to stop Monsanto from patenting natural organisms in Europe, which you can sign here: http://www.avaaz.org/en/monsanto_vs_mother_earth_twb/?tysEsab Back in the U.S., Monsanto is busy pushing for similar patents on the elements of life. As reported by the Los Angeles Times (LAT), Monsanto will soon try to convince the Supreme Court to allow it to patent future generations of seeds that naturally reproduce from GM strains. If the company gets its way, a new precedent will be set in the U.S. for corporations to assume patent control over natural life forms. "The case is a remarkable reflection on recent fundamental changes in farming. In the 200-plus years since the founding of this country, and for millenniums before that, seeds have been part of the public domain - available for farmers to exchange, save, modify through plant breeding and replant," explains the NYT. "But today this history of seeds is seemingly forgotten in light of a patent system that, since the mid-1980s, has allowed corporations to own products of life." |
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/041014_Monsanto_seed_patents_GMOs.html#ixzz2aQkDpyrU
seed patents
Griekse steun verdwijnt rechtstreeks naar Europese banken!
Extra 2,5 miljard euro voor Griekenland
Opnieuw krijgt Griekenland 2,5 miljard euro aan leningen nadat het parlement toestemming heeft gegeven om in de wet op te nemen dat ambtenaren om economische redenen ontslagen mogen worden. Punt is, worden ze ook ontslagen? Niet dat ik graag zie dat mensen hun baan verliezen, zelfs ambtenaren niet, maar wanneer het Griekse ambtenarencorps niet drastisch ingekrompen wordt blijft het voor de Griekse regering dweilen met de kraan open.
Brussel betaalt altijd
Griekenland telt 1 miljoen ambtenaren op een beroepsbevolking van 4,9 miljoen. Dat is 20,4 procent van de beroepsbevolking. In Nederland is dat 10 procent. Ambtenaren hebben in Griekenland een bijna onaantastbare status en het grootste plezier dat een politicus iemand in Griekenland kan doen is hem een ambtenarenbaantje bezorgen. Dat is in het verleden dan ook op grote schaal gebeurd. Niet dat deze ambtenaren allemaal een volle dagtaak hebben met nuttige werkzaamheden. Goed betaald worden ze overigens wel met talloze voordeeltjes die een gewone werknemer in Griekenland moet ontberen. Terecht dus dat de Trojka IMF/EU/ECB eisen stelt aan de Griekse regering om het ambtenarenapparaat drastisch in te korten.
Maar houden de Grieken zich ook aan de gemaakte afspraken? Bekend is dat tijdens het begin van de noodsteun aan Griekenland talloze met ontslag bedreigde ambtenaren gebruik maakten van het wettelijke recht om vervroegd met pensioen te gaan. Een extra aanslag op de staatskas die door de Trojka niet voorzien was. Ook nu moeten we dus maar afwachten of er daadwerkelijk ambtenaren ontslagen gaan worden. De schulden die Griekenland in de loop van decennia heeft opgebouwd komen doordat er te weinig belastinginkomsten waren en teveel uitgaven. Resultaat? Europese belastingbetalers lenen via de noodfondsen Griekenland geld om zijn problemen op te lossen.
Sinds het uitbreken van de crisis heeft Griekenland 210 miljard aan noodsteun ontvangen in de vorm van leningen. Elke keer wanneer het land opnieuw geld nodig heeft ontstaat er een rituele dans in Brussel. Nee, Griekenland komt zijn beloftes niet na, dus voorlopig geen extra steun. Vaak nauwelijks een week later komt dan het verlossende bericht uit Brussel of Athene dat de Grieken tóch hun zaakjes op orde hebben en we het geld kunnen overmaken. De burger moet vooral niet denken dat Griekenland zomaar geld krijgt.
Europese banken krijgen geld uit de Griekse noodfondsen
Het feit dat er weinig verantwoording over de Griekse bestedingen van het geleende geld wordt afgelegd heeft zo zijn reden. Geheel nieuw is dat niet, maar het kan niet vaak genoeg herhaald worden, het geleende geld gaat regelrecht naar de Europese banken. Griekenland heeft, zo becijferde de Bank for International Settlements (BIS), voor 184 miljard euro aan schuld bij Europese banken uitstaan. Bij Franse banken 55 miljard, bij Zwitserse banken 47 miljard, bij Duitse banken voor 31 miljard en bij Engelse en Nederlandse banken elk 9 miljard. Die banken hebben in de periode vóór de crisis massaal geld geleend aan Griekenland. De rente was lekker hoog en het risico minimaal. Griekenland zou zijn schulden hoe dan ook aan de banken terugbetalen, desnoods via de belastinggelden van de Europese burgers. Banken worden door politici immers goed geïnformeerd.
Griekenland wordt niet echt geholpen
En zo gebeurt het ook daadwerkelijk. In feite is de noodsteun aan Griekenland een regelrechte financiële steun aan Europese banken. Ons geleende geld aan Griekenland zien we nooit meer terug. Dat zit namelijk in de knip van de bankiers. Griekenland betaalt zijn schuld aan de banken af maar kan zijn economie nauwelijks hervormen. Bij de Europese belastingbetaler is echter de indruk gewekt dat met het geleende geld de Griekse economie er weer bovenop geholpen zou worden, maar dat is dus niet zo. Die zogenaamde noodhulp is slechts een manier om via een omweg Europese banken schadeloos te stellen. Niemand heeft die banken gedwongen om geld aan Griekenland te lenen. Eerst mochten we met belastinggeld de banken redden, nu mogen we opnieuw hun verliezen betalen. Politici en bankiers houden ons gewoon voor de gek.
Bron: CitaReg.nl
Mijn bron: http://www.gewoon-nieuws.nl/2013/07/griekse-steun-verdwijnt-rechtstreekse-naar-europese-banken/
5 miljard,
Europese banken,
Vikings vs Bigfoot
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Did the Vikings encountered Bigfoot in Battle?
Is it possible that a 10th century historian could have documented a fierce battle between Vikings and Bigfoot? Ahmad ibn Fadlan was an Arab ambassador that was captured by Vikings during a diplomatic mission, the Vikings allowed him to chronicle their adventures. He called them men of the north and his depiction of a Viking ship burial is often references and considered accurate. Other aspects of his adventures border on the fantastic including a battle with Mist Monsters, or as the Vikings called them the Wendol.
Speculation on the Wendol is all over the place, from pure fiction to the last remaining Neanderthals. Michael Crichton’s, author of Jurassic Park and Westworld, depicts the Wendol in his screenplay, The 13th Warrior, as humanoid cannibals who appear as, live like, and identify with bears. For Doc Vega of UFODigest.com, the Wendol may be Bigfoot. Doc Vega has written a five-part series on the topic with commentary that includes references to Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Grover Krantz and heavily on Lloyd Pye.
Read a short excerpt of Doc Vegas 5-part essay suggesting Vikings fought with Bigfoot at Bigfoot Lunch Club your source for Bigfoot News.
Source: http://www.cryptomundo.com/folklore/historian-documents-vikings-vs-bigfoot/
Voormalig Goldman Sachs medewerker: “Duits goud is verdwenen”
Uitgeleend om goudprijs te onderdrukken
Hong Kong
De vermogensbeheerder zegt dat al zijn uitspraken bevestigd zijn door de betreffende smelterij uit Hong Kong. Welke dat is blijft onduidelijk. Er zijn slechts twee LBMA geaccrediteerde smelterijen in Hong Kong, namelijk Hereaus en Metalor Technologies Limited (zie dit document voor de volledige lijst). Daarnaast telt de stadstaat bij China negen smelterijen die door de Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society (CGSE) bevoegd zijn om goud- en zilverstaven te smelten die op de beurs verhandeld kunnen worden.
Marketupdate heeft de uitspraken van William Kaye ter bevestiging voorgelegd aan zowel Hereaus als Metalor. We stuurden de volgende email naar beide smelterijen:
“Dear sir/madam,
I was reading an article at King World News about German gold being melted down in a Hong Kong refinery. The article was written in the context of Germany not getting his gold back from the US. The Federal Reserve lent out the gold, which has been sold into the market. Can you confirm such developments?
Best regards,
Frank Knopers”
Wordt vervolgd
Bron: MarketUpdate.nl
deutsche bank,
Duitse goud,
Goldman Sachs,
William Kaye,
World News
Uitgelekt Nasa document toont agenda om mensheid te elimineren
Op de website van de NASA heeft een korte tijd een document online gestaan waaruit blijkt dat de internationale ‘elite’ en de door hen gefinancierde militaire instellingen een heuse oorlogsverklaring aan de mensheid heeft afgegeven. Zij hebben de afgelopen decennia enorm geavanceerd wapentuig ontwikkeld waarmee burgers bestookt kunnen worden zonder dat ze (wij dus) ook maar iets in de gaten te hebben. (chemtrails, H.A.A.R.P.) en nog veel meer onzichtbare griezeligheden, zoals ‘mental frequency’..
Iniddels is het document weer van de site gehaald. Ondanks de korte tijd dat het document online heeft gestaan zijn er talloze kopieën van gemaakt en is de tekst dus niet geheim meer.
Bron: YouTube.com
zaterdag 27 juli 2013
Collapse Deutsche bank?
My Geneva fund contact: Deutsche Bank is
officially on suicide watch. DB will be the next ‘Lehman’ moment that triggers
new collapse..
Deutsche Bank Opaque Loans From Brazil to Italy Hide
Deutsche Bank’s Accounting Raises Questions
….In other words, these ‘secured’ loans are not really secured, unless one
considers what is effectively a short position on the bonds that were provided
as collateral to represent adequate security. In addition, DB apparently
‘spiced’ the deals up by writing credit default swaps, exposing it to even more
credit risk.
As Bloomberg further reports, this isn’t the first time DB has obscured its
true financial position by means of accounting practices that are not
necessarily illegal, but certainly raise questions about how to properly
evaluate the risks the bank is exposed to.
Meanwhile, the banks that have received the loans in question were able to
continue to report ownership of the bonds DB has sold, allowing them to
misrepresent their own financial health as well…..
Banking insider: Deutsche Bank in danger zone and will go belly up
Deutsche Bank. Big bank. Biggest bank in Germany, and one of the biggest
banks in the Euro Zone… they’re going to go belly up. Watch it. Watch it, I said
it, it’s going to happen.
They are in such a danger zone, they don’t know what to do. Deutsche Bank’s
derivative debt is greater than the global economy. That is one bank. $72
trillion in derivative exposure. The entire global economy, all the countries in
the world is only $66 trillion GDP.
Exclusive: Deutsche Bank ‘horribly undercapitalized’ – U.S.
Moments ago the market jeered
the announcement of DB’s 10% equity dilution, promptly followed by cheering
its early earnings announcement which was a “beat” on the topline, despite
some weakness in sales and trading and an increase in bad debt provisions (which
at €354MM on total loans of
€399.9 BN net of a tiny €4.863 BN in loan loss allowance will have to go
higher. Much higher). Ironically both events are complete noise in the grand
scheme of things. Because something far more interesting can be found on page 87
of the company’s 2012
financial report.
The thing in question is the company’s self-reported total gross notional
derivative exposure.
And while the vast majority of readers may be left with the impression that
JPMorgan’s mindboggling $69.5 trillion in gross notional derivative exposure as
of Q4 2012 may be the largest in the world, they would be surprised to learn
that that is not the case. In fact, the bank with the single largest derivative
exposure is not located in the US at all, but in the heart of Europe, and its
name, as some may have guessed by now, is Deutsche Bank.
The amount in question? €55,605,039,000,000. Which,
converted into USD at the current EURUSD exchange rate amounts to
$72,842,601,090,000…. Or roughly $2 trillion more than JPMorgan’s.
Read more: http://investmentwatchblog.com/deutsche-bank-lines-up-to-be-the-next-lehman-in-the-next-big-financial-crisis-the-bank-is-horribly-undercapitalized-hiding-risk-to-investors-downgraded-by-sp/
deutsche bank,
financial health,
global economy,
maandag 22 juli 2013
There’s been some very intriguing developments about Mars going on, quietly of course, and interestingly enough, going on while all the theater about Snowden and the NSA have been transpiring. Consider this article for a moment (sent to me courtesy of Mr. S.D.):
NASA is getting ready to search for signs of life on Mars
There is a very arresting statement in this article, and it is this one:
In that respect, consider this most recent article by Mars anomaly researcher Richard C. Hoagland, and its rather stunning array of pictures:
It Only Takes ONE White Crow…
Now the picture with which we are concerned is the one Mr. Hoagland links at this point toward the end of his article:
Malin Space Science Systems
When this link opens, go to the image link beneath the thumbnail pictures of strips, that says
“View full-size image, processed but NOT map-projected (lossy JPEG, medium quality, rapid download)”
and click that image. What will open up is a thin strip, which you will have to enlarge, and then scroll down until you see the feature – clear and unmistakeable – on the picture, which is the tetrahedral shape seen on Hoagland’s article. I have myself cropped this picture from the Surveyor picture linked above:
Had I not taken the time to search for this image and found it, I would have disbelieved it myself.
Now all scenarios aside, this image points to some serious philosophical questions, the most obvious of which are that it is either (1) “photoshopped”, in which case, one has a government agency perpetrating a hoax, and in these days, that scenario is one that a great many people would entertain. I am not among them, but nonetheless, it’s a possibility. On the other hand, one has the possibility that (2) it’s real, raising even more difficult questions of how any sort of geological or natural process could account for it. I suppose that some intrepid scientismist might contrive to do so, but I for one just wouldn’t buy stock in any such explanation.
Which leaves the possibility that someone built it. Leaving the questions of who, and how, to the types of speculations Hoagland argues in his article.
The trouble is, there are indicates of such extraordinarily large engineering all over the local celestial neighborhood, and that raises all those nasty questions from ancient human myths and texts about wars of the gods, cosmic wars, and so on. We needn’t rehearse them here.
So what does all of this mean or portend. I’m not jumping on any disclosure bandwagons. What the NASA article appears to me to be is the type of limited hangout position that one would expect, for notably, after years and years of controversy between Face-on-Mars advocates such as Hoagland, Carlotto, Pozos, Brandenburg et al – and I would certainly number myself among them – and “it’s just a trick of light and shadow” skeptics , such images with all sorts of strange artificial-looking “stuff” in them now seem to be released by NASA without any commentary whatsoever.
In other words, there is no longer even the attempt to head off the opposition at the pass with statements like “this may look artificial but it’s really just a ______________ (fill in the blank with your favorite scientism “explanation” here). NASA may have just grown tired of having to “non-explain” things, or it may just be that the lack of such non-explanations in recent years is the story.
As for the Brookings Report that Mr. Hoagland mentions in his article, well, there’s a lot more going on with that, but you’ll have to wait for Covert Wars and the Clash of Civilizations to come out to see what that might be. But this non-explanation news may indeed be a part of it.
See you on the flip side.
- Giza Death Star Community
NASA is getting ready to search for signs of life on Mars
There is a very arresting statement in this article, and it is this one:
“The goal of NASA’s Curiosity rover is to determine if Mars was ever capable of supporting life. But the Agency’s next rover, set to launch in 2020, could take things one giant step further. Given recent findings, says Jack Mustard, chairman of the Agency’s Science Definition Team, ‘past Martian life seems possible, and we should begin the difficult endeavor of seeking the signs of life.’” (Emphasis added)Of course, the article goes on to make it clear that NASA is thinking in terms of past microbial life, but in an article with quotations as carefully phrased as possible, one cannot altogether exclude the idea that they may be ready to admit they’re searching for some other kind of indicator of past life, such as artifacts or buildings.
In that respect, consider this most recent article by Mars anomaly researcher Richard C. Hoagland, and its rather stunning array of pictures:
It Only Takes ONE White Crow…
Now the picture with which we are concerned is the one Mr. Hoagland links at this point toward the end of his article:
“Here (below) is the most spectacular and best preserved 3-D version of this crucially significant “geometry” yet found — a fully three-dimensional Reuleaux Tetrahedral Pyramid, discovered by the late Wilmer Faust on Mars Surveyor image E06002 — taken July 7, 2001 in West Candor Chasma (one of the smaller, northern side canyons of the vast ~3000-mile-long “Vallis Marineris” system).”The link is:
Malin Space Science Systems
When this link opens, go to the image link beneath the thumbnail pictures of strips, that says
“View full-size image, processed but NOT map-projected (lossy JPEG, medium quality, rapid download)”
and click that image. What will open up is a thin strip, which you will have to enlarge, and then scroll down until you see the feature – clear and unmistakeable – on the picture, which is the tetrahedral shape seen on Hoagland’s article. I have myself cropped this picture from the Surveyor picture linked above:
Had I not taken the time to search for this image and found it, I would have disbelieved it myself.
Now all scenarios aside, this image points to some serious philosophical questions, the most obvious of which are that it is either (1) “photoshopped”, in which case, one has a government agency perpetrating a hoax, and in these days, that scenario is one that a great many people would entertain. I am not among them, but nonetheless, it’s a possibility. On the other hand, one has the possibility that (2) it’s real, raising even more difficult questions of how any sort of geological or natural process could account for it. I suppose that some intrepid scientismist might contrive to do so, but I for one just wouldn’t buy stock in any such explanation.
Which leaves the possibility that someone built it. Leaving the questions of who, and how, to the types of speculations Hoagland argues in his article.
The trouble is, there are indicates of such extraordinarily large engineering all over the local celestial neighborhood, and that raises all those nasty questions from ancient human myths and texts about wars of the gods, cosmic wars, and so on. We needn’t rehearse them here.
So what does all of this mean or portend. I’m not jumping on any disclosure bandwagons. What the NASA article appears to me to be is the type of limited hangout position that one would expect, for notably, after years and years of controversy between Face-on-Mars advocates such as Hoagland, Carlotto, Pozos, Brandenburg et al – and I would certainly number myself among them – and “it’s just a trick of light and shadow” skeptics , such images with all sorts of strange artificial-looking “stuff” in them now seem to be released by NASA without any commentary whatsoever.
In other words, there is no longer even the attempt to head off the opposition at the pass with statements like “this may look artificial but it’s really just a ______________ (fill in the blank with your favorite scientism “explanation” here). NASA may have just grown tired of having to “non-explain” things, or it may just be that the lack of such non-explanations in recent years is the story.
As for the Brookings Report that Mr. Hoagland mentions in his article, well, there’s a lot more going on with that, but you’ll have to wait for Covert Wars and the Clash of Civilizations to come out to see what that might be. But this non-explanation news may indeed be a part of it.
See you on the flip side.
- Giza Death Star Community
America Is Being Herded Into An Engineered Race War (Stunning Videos)
Enraged speeches by Al Sharpton.
Obama’s thoughts..
Jesse’s take:
Propaganda that could be comapred to this:
A perspective to consider in regards to this tragic meeting.
Zimmerman, a non-white, was on neighborhood watch because of the repeated bulgarlies on his street.
Fear motivated him, not racial hatered.
Perhaps he felt if he took a proactive role in protecting his neighborhood, his fear of being victimized would go away.
Trayvon was a young black man, who was probably tired of being racially profiled, just waiting for the next time..
Two very bad attitudes that unfortunately crossed paths that night.
Not malice, not racism, 2 scared people.
2 people who were tired of things happening to them that they had no control over, until this point…
People like Sharpton and Jackson are parasites who thrive off of racial discontent.
Obama has his socialist agenda..
The emotions involved are being used by this regime to gain more control over the “unstable” masses.
No one wins, this way.
Riots, violence, hate, divides us and makes us pawns of the New World Order.
Our Enslavement.. Their final goal
Race War,
Trayvon Martin,
NSA spying never catches Israelis - Why not?
NSA spying never catches Israelis - Why not?
Two old platitudes come to mind...'Crying Crocodile Tears', and Shakespeare's “Me thinks she doth protest too much”. When you cut through all the smoke and mirrors, the essence is very simple.
For example, the field reports from Afghanistan and Iraq involved Israelis being picked up as contractors doing very nasty things, and yes, doing them even to American troops. None of that stuff made its way into the leakers shocking release pile. We have people who wrote some of those reports, and they were major headlines.
My verdict? No leaker who has had access to the mother-load of dirty Intel laundry on numerous selected countries, and who never releases any on Israel, is for real. They are an operator. Why? Because busting open the Israeli espionage cover-up is the story of a lifetime.
On one side you have a loyal faction of modern Intel professionals trying to monitor and block Israeli penetrations. And then there is the rogue bunch assisting the bad guys for all the rewards offered, not so much by the Israelis themselves but their substantial political helpers.
This battle has been going on for a long time and there is a huge amount of material available even in the declassified files. If you want to find out more, all you have to do is scratch the dirt. It is the espionage scandal of our time and these phony leakers have contributed nothing.
Veterans Today burned Assange in the fall of 2011, with Ziggy Brzezinski helping through his big PBS interview where he spilled the beans about the Assange information being released having been 'seeded.' He gave our initial claims a lot more exposure.
So that really leaves only one plausible explanation for 'missing' the Israeli espionage angle. Remember I said it would be impossible for a really connected leaker not to know about it. And if Assange and Snowden were really these altruistic goody goodies who cry about the public's right to know how they are being abused by government spying on them, then why would they give the Zionists a free pass for doing it to all of us?
Press TV readers would know why...because these guys are on an Israeli string. This is simply Intel 101. When everybody is getting embarrassed by leaks except for that one special group, there is no suspect number two.
The beginning of this came from the alleged 911 hijackers. They had spent time in various European states and moved around different legal jurisdictions as the most normal tactic of that era for avoiding close monitoring by counter-intelligence services.
Communications Intel people did not want to get caught being responsible for missing another major attack, so it was open city on collecting everything they could by whatever means available. The NSA name for it was Total Awareness. This sometimes would include having other jurisdictions do things that were illegal for you to do in your own country.
For example, years ago Canada intercept sites could collect material on Americans, and we on them, and both could testify that they were not collecting communications domestically and be telling the truth technically. But they were never asked about whether there was a sharing arrangement with anyone. This is part of the theater of Congressional hearings...what does not get asked.
The Israelis have a huge appetite for intercept information and they used their Jewish Lobby political muscle to get their contractors inside many of their friendly country counterintelligence operations, especially communications. In the US, Michael Chertoff literally hardwired them with full promotion and protection from Bush and Cheney.
Remember this is the crowd, along with Rudy Giuliani, who were going to make Bernie Kerik Homeland Security Director after being a high school dropout and detective third class. He was nothing more than a sock puppet for his handlers who would have been running the show.
What kind of leaders would use a tragedy like 911 to put a totally incompetent person in charge of the biggest conglomeration of Intel and law enforcement in history? Many were suspicious that they wanted to make sure that 911 would never be unraveled as to who was really behind it here in the US. Bernie would have been perfect for that. He has been out of jail a month now.
Why would this be necessary? The only real answer is a looming fear of publics finding out what their governments had really done to them, the extent of the corruption and how thoroughly they had been pillaged.
People learning that their countries had been stolen, that would make them dangerous. They would all turn against those responsible. The only defense for the elites then would be to quickly round up all those of a certain profile, those who had the leadership skills, the knowledge, and the network strength to fight back.
The data mining ability available to governments now is absolutely incredible. They can find out just about anything about anybody...but not on the Israelis, of course. Think about it. With these new tools we should have been able to decimate Israel's espionage networks here...political, military, financial, media, academia and the think tanks.
They spend ten, twenty years, even longer grooming their people to have them ready when the time is right to slip them into sensitive positions. Even our Justice Department has been compromised, as loyal people have gone everywhere to initiate prosecutions only to be told that it was just impossible for “protected entities”.
The professional Intel people all know this, but get overruled by the civilian leadership where that fix is in. To call these countries democracies is an embarrassment to the word. These are conquered countries where people were sold the story about the tooth fairy and who are now struggling to outgrow their childish beliefs as their make believe world comes down around their ears.
All of these countries, their elite class, deem their own people to be their number one threat. And the Israeli Lobby operators are stuck to the elites like glue, promising to protect them when the dark times come...that they will be OK if they are with the right group.
Dear readers, we are not on their 'right group' list. We are on the expendable, potential threat one. Even War on Terror veterans found themselves on it, yet many are still refusing to let go of their Teddy Bears and face up to what has to be done.
You can shoot me as the bad news messenger if you want, but that won't save you. Saving ourselves is going to require some very clear thinking, determination, and building street armies like the Egyptians just did.
When we can put 50 million people into the streets and bring the military over with us, it will be a new Independence day. And the first order of business would be to clean up 911, and not let those responsible walk among us.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (L) & American whistleblower Edward Snowden
How many Israeli Intel networks have the Western countries broken up since 911? The answer is zero. The Zionists have compromised these Western nations in a variety of ways… You cannot involve the Israelis in anything and have any security. The two are mutually exclusive.”
Related Interviews:
Intelligence analysis ALWAYS follows a dual track of analyzing what you can see...and what you can't. The massive coverage on the recent Snowden revelations has basically all been theater as most had already been revealed and/or was known about by every Intel agency on the planet.
Two old platitudes come to mind...'Crying Crocodile Tears', and Shakespeare's “Me thinks she doth protest too much”. When you cut through all the smoke and mirrors, the essence is very simple.
Snowden, like Assange...despite the huge amount of classified material with all the embarrassing things that involved so many countries, neither of them seemed to know anything about the massive Israeli espionage that is carried out all over the world.
For example, the field reports from Afghanistan and Iraq involved Israelis being picked up as contractors doing very nasty things, and yes, doing them even to American troops. None of that stuff made its way into the leakers shocking release pile. We have people who wrote some of those reports, and they were major headlines.
My verdict? No leaker who has had access to the mother-load of dirty Intel laundry on numerous selected countries, and who never releases any on Israel, is for real. They are an operator. Why? Because busting open the Israeli espionage cover-up is the story of a lifetime.
On one side you have a loyal faction of modern Intel professionals trying to monitor and block Israeli penetrations. And then there is the rogue bunch assisting the bad guys for all the rewards offered, not so much by the Israelis themselves but their substantial political helpers.
This battle has been going on for a long time and there is a huge amount of material available even in the declassified files. If you want to find out more, all you have to do is scratch the dirt. It is the espionage scandal of our time and these phony leakers have contributed nothing.
Veterans Today burned Assange in the fall of 2011, with Ziggy Brzezinski helping through his big PBS interview where he spilled the beans about the Assange information being released having been 'seeded.' He gave our initial claims a lot more exposure.
So that really leaves only one plausible explanation for 'missing' the Israeli espionage angle. Remember I said it would be impossible for a really connected leaker not to know about it. And if Assange and Snowden were really these altruistic goody goodies who cry about the public's right to know how they are being abused by government spying on them, then why would they give the Zionists a free pass for doing it to all of us?
Press TV readers would know why...because these guys are on an Israeli string. This is simply Intel 101. When everybody is getting embarrassed by leaks except for that one special group, there is no suspect number two.
The Europeans are crying wolf as part of the charade, also. They all have been doing similar communications intercept spying on their own people...and more than a few of them in conjunction with the US under sharing arrangements.
The beginning of this came from the alleged 911 hijackers. They had spent time in various European states and moved around different legal jurisdictions as the most normal tactic of that era for avoiding close monitoring by counter-intelligence services.
Communications Intel people did not want to get caught being responsible for missing another major attack, so it was open city on collecting everything they could by whatever means available. The NSA name for it was Total Awareness. This sometimes would include having other jurisdictions do things that were illegal for you to do in your own country.
For example, years ago Canada intercept sites could collect material on Americans, and we on them, and both could testify that they were not collecting communications domestically and be telling the truth technically. But they were never asked about whether there was a sharing arrangement with anyone. This is part of the theater of Congressional hearings...what does not get asked.
The Israelis have a huge appetite for intercept information and they used their Jewish Lobby political muscle to get their contractors inside many of their friendly country counterintelligence operations, especially communications. In the US, Michael Chertoff literally hardwired them with full promotion and protection from Bush and Cheney.
Remember this is the crowd, along with Rudy Giuliani, who were going to make Bernie Kerik Homeland Security Director after being a high school dropout and detective third class. He was nothing more than a sock puppet for his handlers who would have been running the show.
What kind of leaders would use a tragedy like 911 to put a totally incompetent person in charge of the biggest conglomeration of Intel and law enforcement in history? Many were suspicious that they wanted to make sure that 911 would never be unraveled as to who was really behind it here in the US. Bernie would have been perfect for that. He has been out of jail a month now.
So what we have had going on is a cruel betrayal, not only here in America but in many countries. The War on Terror has been used by elites as an excuse to get a vice grip control over their populations, profiling them on a scale formerly only dreamed about.
Why would this be necessary? The only real answer is a looming fear of publics finding out what their governments had really done to them, the extent of the corruption and how thoroughly they had been pillaged.
People learning that their countries had been stolen, that would make them dangerous. They would all turn against those responsible. The only defense for the elites then would be to quickly round up all those of a certain profile, those who had the leadership skills, the knowledge, and the network strength to fight back.
The data mining ability available to governments now is absolutely incredible. They can find out just about anything about anybody...but not on the Israelis, of course. Think about it. With these new tools we should have been able to decimate Israel's espionage networks here...political, military, financial, media, academia and the think tanks.
How many Israeli Intel networks have the Western countries broken up since 911? The answer is zero. The Zionists have compromised these Western nations in a variety of ways, with the primary tool being political espionage as that is the pathway you use to get your people deeply embedded in all the important spots.
They spend ten, twenty years, even longer grooming their people to have them ready when the time is right to slip them into sensitive positions. Even our Justice Department has been compromised, as loyal people have gone everywhere to initiate prosecutions only to be told that it was just impossible for “protected entities”.
Assange, and now Snowden, are just side shows...burning up the public attention time clock that could have been much better spent going after the really dangerous threats. You cannot involve the Israelis in anything and have any security. The two are mutually exclusive.
The professional Intel people all know this, but get overruled by the civilian leadership where that fix is in. To call these countries democracies is an embarrassment to the word. These are conquered countries where people were sold the story about the tooth fairy and who are now struggling to outgrow their childish beliefs as their make believe world comes down around their ears.
All of these countries, their elite class, deem their own people to be their number one threat. And the Israeli Lobby operators are stuck to the elites like glue, promising to protect them when the dark times come...that they will be OK if they are with the right group.
Dear readers, we are not on their 'right group' list. We are on the expendable, potential threat one. Even War on Terror veterans found themselves on it, yet many are still refusing to let go of their Teddy Bears and face up to what has to be done.
You can shoot me as the bad news messenger if you want, but that won't save you. Saving ourselves is going to require some very clear thinking, determination, and building street armies like the Egyptians just did.
When we can put 50 million people into the streets and bring the military over with us, it will be a new Independence day. And the first order of business would be to clean up 911, and not let those responsible walk among us.
Jim W. Dean comes from an old military family dating back to the American Revolution. His father was a WWII P-40 and later P-51 Mustang fighter pilot. Jim's mother was a WWII widow at 16, her first husband killed with all 580 aboard when the SS Paul Hamilton, an ammunition ship with 7000 tons of explosives aboard, was torpedoed off the coast of Algiers. He has appeared on PBS most recently on the Looking for Lincoln documentary with Prof. Henry Lewis Gates and lectured at the Army Command and General Staff School at Fort Gordon. His current writing focus is on national security, intelligence, black and psyops, military/Intel history including personal video archives, and the current wars. Jim Dean is the managing editor of Veterans Today. More articles by Jim W. Dean
Edward Snowden,
lian Assange,
vrijdag 19 juli 2013
Benjamin Fulford: Chaos and Panic Spreading Amongst Cabalists, More Heads to Roll Soon
Ben's full article for this week was posted on his public forum in the
comments section.. (link at bottom)
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis
The cabal that illegally and surreptitiously seized power in the West knows it has lost the war for planetary control. The result is spreading chaos and panic amongst the cabal elite. The signs of this are everywhere now both in the public realm and in the still secret world of military, spy and gangster agencies. On the public side, the head of Homeland Security and 15 top Sabbatean agents within that department were fired last week, joining the 26 generals, CIA head David Petraeus, Senate Intelligence Committee Chief J. Rockefeller, Pope Maledict, Queen Beatrix of Holland, Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia, King Albert II of Belgium and many others in a purge of cabalist operators. Only Eric Holder now stands, and probably not for long, between President Obama and the legal moves to remove him from office. On the yet to be made public side of things, Italian P2 freemason lodge members say former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy is planning to seek political refugee status, maybe in Russia. In Japan, public security police sources say that cancer-stricken Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has only a few months left to live and that a replacement has already been chosen from within the current ruling clique. There are also ongoing secret negotiations between representatives of the Gnostic Illuminati, the heads of the world’s martial arts societies, the White Dragon Society, the government of Russia, the dragon family and the Green and Blue among others. According to several key negotiators there is a broad agreement on the need to replace the current ruling structure of the planet with something more benevolent. There is disagreement however between hardliners, mostly in the Western military intelligence apparatus, who want to completely eliminate the 13 Sabbatean bloodlines and the moderates, including the White Dragon Society and various Asian groups, who favour a truth and reconciliation committee, a jubilee and a general amnesty. In any case, discussions about what comes next are still taking a back seat to the ongoing efforts to remove the cabal from power in the G7 countries. The cabal has been fighting tooth and nail to keep that power. In the US, the firing of DHS head Napolitano helped derail a plot to use the highly propagandized Zimmerman trial to trigger race riots as an excuse to declare martial law in the US. The involvement of US Attorney General Eric Holder in attempts to stir up race turmoil is now being investigated. In other cabal moves, a bombing attack on a Russian naval base in Syria is being reported as having involved Israeli planes flying out of Turkey. This is a clear attempt to provoke a Russian military reprisal against NATO member Turkey, triggering World War 3 and thus the Sabbateans’ long awaited “Armageddon.” Of course nobody is being fooled any more by such false flag operations. Russia responded by holding emergency military drills in the Far East, on the opposite side of Russia from Turkey, sending the signal that “we will retaliate but not when and where you think.” Instead of being fooled into war, Russian and Gnostic Illuminati agents say they will be targeting Sabbatean mafia leaders and top family members in Europe. Credible threats were also received from MI6 sources of another nuclear terror attack against Japan. In the latest plot, a nuclear device is supposed to be smuggled into Tokyo through a network of secret underground canals via the US airbase in Yokota in Western Tokyo. The source for this warning is the same one that told the Japanese before March 11, 2011 that Japan was about to be hit with a nuclear attack. The cabal is also trying desperately to stave off bankruptcy in the face of a growing global boycott of cabal income sources. In Japan, they have bribed Shunichi Tanaka, the head of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, to prevent the re-opening of Japan’s nuclear power plants, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. Reopening the plants would mean Japan would import $35 billion less oil per month from cabal controlled oil exporting countries. As a part of this campaign, various gangsters and agents have been spreading radioactive cesium around Fukushima, according to Japanese police sources. The cesium is mostly industrial waste from the oil and medical industries. The public relations office of the Nuclear Regulation Authority refused to comment on these allegations when called by this reporter. Despite such moves, cabal control of the oil industry is ending. For example, Australia has announced it has discovered more oil than in Iran, Iraq and Venezuala combined. http://moneymorning.com/ob-article/arckaringa-saudi.php?code=131883 Combined with Canada and Russia, it means the world will no longer have to go to the volatile Middle East for oil. Meanwhile, a boycott aimed at bankrupting the cabal government in the United States is gathering momentum. Purchases of US wheat, rice, beef and other commodities are being curtailed by multiple countries including China, Russia, South Korea and Japan. In addition, the ongoing fires and crashes of Boeing jetliners is apparently part of a successful campaign to shut down the exports of largest US exporter. The death of US financial criminal Mark Rich has also exposed him as the head of an operation started in the 1990’s during the Clinton administration that has been replacing US gold supplies with tungsten coated bars, according to MI5 sources. Most US gold supplies have already left the country meaning the US dollar has no gold backing inside the US. The gold was apparently stolen by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board in order to stave off bankruptcy. The Chinese communist government, meanwhile, has bailed out Goldman Sachs in South Korea, according to an executive of a Japanese securities company. In return for continued bail outs of this sort, US corporate government spokesperson Obama informally offered the Sandwich Islands to China, according to a source close to the US/China economic negotiations that took place last week. The Sandwich Islands were renamed Hawaii shortly after the US invaded and took them over in 1900. Russia has also been offered the Aleutian Islands, according to FSB sources. Needless to say, once the criminal corporate government in the US is bankrupted and removed, the restored Republic of the United States of America will declare all such agreements null and void. Meanwhile Russia’s move to control the Middle East and thus European energy supplies, combined with the pentagon’s refusal to intervene, has sent shock-waves through European corridors of power. President Obama called Russian President Putin about this issue last week but all Obama can do is wring his hands. The Germans have taken a more robust response to Russian oil power politics by vastly increasing solar power generation and allowing the sale of 200 mile per gallon vehicles. In any case, expect pressure on the cabal to increase steadily until humanity is finally freed. Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン 090-3439-5558
The cabal that illegally and surreptitiously seized power in the West knows it has lost the war for planetary control. The result is spreading chaos and panic amongst the cabal elite. The signs of this are everywhere now both in the public realm and in the still secret world of military, spy and gangster agencies. On the public side, the head of Homeland Security and 15 top Sabbatean agents within that department were fired last week, joining the 26 generals, CIA head David Petraeus, Senate Intelligence Committee Chief J. Rockefeller, Pope Maledict, Queen Beatrix of Holland, Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia, King Albert II of Belgium and many others in a purge of cabalist operators. Only Eric Holder now stands, and probably not for long, between President Obama and the legal moves to remove him from office. On the yet to be made public side of things, Italian P2 freemason lodge members say former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy is planning to seek political refugee status, maybe in Russia. In Japan, public security police sources say that cancer-stricken Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has only a few months left to live and that a replacement has already been chosen from within the current ruling clique. There are also ongoing secret negotiations between representatives of the Gnostic Illuminati, the heads of the world’s martial arts societies, the White Dragon Society, the government of Russia, the dragon family and the Green and Blue among others. According to several key negotiators there is a broad agreement on the need to replace the current ruling structure of the planet with something more benevolent. There is disagreement however between hardliners, mostly in the Western military intelligence apparatus, who want to completely eliminate the 13 Sabbatean bloodlines and the moderates, including the White Dragon Society and various Asian groups, who favour a truth and reconciliation committee, a jubilee and a general amnesty. In any case, discussions about what comes next are still taking a back seat to the ongoing efforts to remove the cabal from power in the G7 countries. The cabal has been fighting tooth and nail to keep that power. In the US, the firing of DHS head Napolitano helped derail a plot to use the highly propagandized Zimmerman trial to trigger race riots as an excuse to declare martial law in the US. The involvement of US Attorney General Eric Holder in attempts to stir up race turmoil is now being investigated. In other cabal moves, a bombing attack on a Russian naval base in Syria is being reported as having involved Israeli planes flying out of Turkey. This is a clear attempt to provoke a Russian military reprisal against NATO member Turkey, triggering World War 3 and thus the Sabbateans’ long awaited “Armageddon.” Of course nobody is being fooled any more by such false flag operations. Russia responded by holding emergency military drills in the Far East, on the opposite side of Russia from Turkey, sending the signal that “we will retaliate but not when and where you think.” Instead of being fooled into war, Russian and Gnostic Illuminati agents say they will be targeting Sabbatean mafia leaders and top family members in Europe. Credible threats were also received from MI6 sources of another nuclear terror attack against Japan. In the latest plot, a nuclear device is supposed to be smuggled into Tokyo through a network of secret underground canals via the US airbase in Yokota in Western Tokyo. The source for this warning is the same one that told the Japanese before March 11, 2011 that Japan was about to be hit with a nuclear attack. The cabal is also trying desperately to stave off bankruptcy in the face of a growing global boycott of cabal income sources. In Japan, they have bribed Shunichi Tanaka, the head of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, to prevent the re-opening of Japan’s nuclear power plants, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. Reopening the plants would mean Japan would import $35 billion less oil per month from cabal controlled oil exporting countries. As a part of this campaign, various gangsters and agents have been spreading radioactive cesium around Fukushima, according to Japanese police sources. The cesium is mostly industrial waste from the oil and medical industries. The public relations office of the Nuclear Regulation Authority refused to comment on these allegations when called by this reporter. Despite such moves, cabal control of the oil industry is ending. For example, Australia has announced it has discovered more oil than in Iran, Iraq and Venezuala combined. http://moneymorning.com/ob-article/arckaringa-saudi.php?code=131883 Combined with Canada and Russia, it means the world will no longer have to go to the volatile Middle East for oil. Meanwhile, a boycott aimed at bankrupting the cabal government in the United States is gathering momentum. Purchases of US wheat, rice, beef and other commodities are being curtailed by multiple countries including China, Russia, South Korea and Japan. In addition, the ongoing fires and crashes of Boeing jetliners is apparently part of a successful campaign to shut down the exports of largest US exporter. The death of US financial criminal Mark Rich has also exposed him as the head of an operation started in the 1990’s during the Clinton administration that has been replacing US gold supplies with tungsten coated bars, according to MI5 sources. Most US gold supplies have already left the country meaning the US dollar has no gold backing inside the US. The gold was apparently stolen by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board in order to stave off bankruptcy. The Chinese communist government, meanwhile, has bailed out Goldman Sachs in South Korea, according to an executive of a Japanese securities company. In return for continued bail outs of this sort, US corporate government spokesperson Obama informally offered the Sandwich Islands to China, according to a source close to the US/China economic negotiations that took place last week. The Sandwich Islands were renamed Hawaii shortly after the US invaded and took them over in 1900. Russia has also been offered the Aleutian Islands, according to FSB sources. Needless to say, once the criminal corporate government in the US is bankrupted and removed, the restored Republic of the United States of America will declare all such agreements null and void. Meanwhile Russia’s move to control the Middle East and thus European energy supplies, combined with the pentagon’s refusal to intervene, has sent shock-waves through European corridors of power. President Obama called Russian President Putin about this issue last week but all Obama can do is wring his hands. The Germans have taken a more robust response to Russian oil power politics by vastly increasing solar power generation and allowing the sale of 200 mile per gallon vehicles. In any case, expect pressure on the cabal to increase steadily until humanity is finally freed. Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン 090-3439-5558
Benjamin Fulford,
dragon family,
Federal Reserve,
ostic Illuminati,
White Dragon Society
donderdag 18 juli 2013
1,200 Year Old Egyptian City Discovered Underwater
Photograph by Franck Goddio / Hilti Foundation / Christoph Gerigk
1,200 years ago the ancient Egyptian city of Heracleion disappeared beneath the Mediterranean. Founded around 8th century BC, well before the foundation of Alexandria in 331 BC, it is believed Heracleion served as the obligatory port of entry to Egypt for all ships coming from the Greek world.
Prior to its discovery in 2000 by archaeologist Franck Goddio and the IEASM (European Institute for Underwater Archaeology), no trace of Thonis-Heracleion had been found (the city was known to the Greeks as Thonis). Its name was almost razed from the memory of mankind, only preserved in ancient classic texts and rare inscriptions found on land by archaeologists.
The Discovery
With his unique survey-based approach utilising sophisticated technical equipment, Franck Goddio and his team from the IEASM were able to locate, map and excavate parts of the city of Thonis-Heracleion, which lies 6.5 kilometres off today’s coastline about 150 feet underwater. The city is located within an overall research area of 11 by 15 kilometres in the western part of Aboukir Bay. [Source]
Findings to date include:
- The remains of more than 64 ships buried in the thick clay and sand that covers the sea bed
- Gold coins and weights made from bronze and stone
- Giant 16-ft statues along with hundreds of smaller statues of minor gods
- Slabs of stone inscribed in both ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian
- Dozens of small limestone sarcophagi believed to have once contained mummified animals
- Over 700 ancient anchors for ships
- The remains of more than 64 ships buried in the thick clay and sand that covers the sea bed
- Gold coins and weights made from bronze and stone
- Giant 16-ft statues along with hundreds of smaller statues of minor gods
- Slabs of stone inscribed in both ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian
- Dozens of small limestone sarcophagi believed to have once contained mummified animals
- Over 700 ancient anchors for ships
What Caused the Submergence?
Research suggests that the site was affected by geological and cataclysmic phenomena. The slow movement of subsidence of the soil affected this part of the south-eastern basin of the Mediterranean. The rise in sea level also contributed significantly to the submergence of the land. The IEASM made geological observations that brought these phenomena to light by discovering seismic effects in the underlying geology. [Source]
Analysis of the site also suggests liquefaction of the soil. These localized phenomena can be triggered by the action of great pressure on soil with a high clay and water content. The pressure from large buildings, combined with an overload of weight due to an unusually high flood or a tidal wave, can dramatically compress the soil and force the expulsion of water contained within the structure of the clay. The clay quickly loses volume, which creates sudden subsidence. An earthquake can also cause such a phenomenon. These factors, whether occurring together or independently, may have caused significant destruction and explain the submergence of Thonis-Heracleion. [Source]
Franck Goddio
Maritime Archaeologist
Franck Goddio is a pioneer of modern maritime archaeology. After graduating from the École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique in Paris, Franck Goddio conducted economic and financial counselling missions in Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia for the United Nations, and later for the French Foreign Ministry.
In the early 1980’s he decided to dedicate himself entirely to his passion – underwater archaeology – and founded theInstitut Européen d’Archéologie Sous-Marine (IEASM), of which he is currently president. Goddio has initiated and directed a number of excavations on shipwrecks including seven junks from the 11th-16th century, two Spanish galleons and two trading vessels of the British East India Company.
Goddio’s most ambitious project is conducted off the coast of Egypt, in Alexandria’s ancient eastern harbour and in the Bay of Aboukir (30km east of Alexandria). In partnership with the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities a vast area the size of Paris has been mapped and investigated since 1992. In 2000, the ancient city of Heracleion and parts of the city of Canopus were discovered. The research is ongoing to this date.
Excavation projects directed by Goddio have a strictly non-commercial purpose and his work is always carried out in cooperation with the national authorities in whose territorial waters the exploration is taking place. The excavation work is founded on legal provisions that regulate underwater excavations and on international archaeological standards (UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage). [Source]
Source: http://www.altering-perspectives.com/2013/07/1200-year-old-egyptian-city-discovered.html?m=1
woensdag 17 juli 2013
Putin attends Russia's largest drills in post-Soviet history
The president and the minister were observed the drills from a viewing platform and then flew above the area of the training ground in a helicopter.
Large-scale drills to test the combat readiness of the troops of Eastern and Central Districts began following the order from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief on July 13. These drills are the largest in post-Soviet history.
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