dinsdag 27 december 2016

David Icke: The 'Fake News' Hoax - The System is Desperate


woensdag 14 december 2016

Shit is about to hit the fan!(or it is a psy op) 15-12-16 new Podesta e-mails or going to be released --> http://findingassange.com/

If this is true: http://findingassange.com/

Shit is about to hit the fan! 
*It also can be an elaborate psy op discrediting the truth movement and furthering draconian anti free speech laws...Time will tell but be warned! 

Text from the site:
Hello and welcome to what was suppose to be a website about gathering & sharing information regarding Julian Assange's disappearance. This site was plagued with many problems that prevented it from ever launching to meet its true potential.
However, its purpose has now changed, given the recent actions by the Obama Administration, Democratic Party and the CIA creating and spreading a very false narrative of Russian interference in the US Election process with absolutely no evidence to back up its claims as well as the overwhelming evidence that points to their involvement in the capture, detainment or death of Julian Assange the time has now come to expose the truth. On December 15th at 6:30PM 15,000 John Podesta emails never before released to the public as well as the passwords to two of the Wikileaks Insurance Files will be published here for download.

Also see this: 

Here are all the comments from the Wikileaks poster on 8chan confirming our worst fears. SPREAD THIS

woensdag 7 december 2016

The FBI admits visits of “beings from other dimensions” – Declassified FBI document

According to a declassified document released by the FBI, not only are we being visited by Alien beings from other worlds, but we have been visited by “beings from other dimensions.”

The official link from the FBI vault can be found here: http://vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO%20Part%201%20of%2016/view
Is it surprising that the FBI has shown interest in the study of the UFO phenomena? Is it possible that many science fiction films are actually based on real events, or better called “leaks” given by the government in order to deliberately raise awareness among the population?
In 2011 after some documents were “declassified” a report written by a special agent of the FBI in 1947 reached the public. The special agent of the FBI, a lieutenant colonel whose identity, remained anonymous because of “national security” gather numerous data on the UFO phenomena after interviewing and studying the phenomena for years.
Screen Shot 2015-06-10 at 11.39.21
According to reports and “Declassified” documents, we have been visited by numbs extraterrestrial species, some of these, are not only from other planets but from other dimensions. Some of these beings originate from an ethereal plane coexistent with our physical universe. These “entities” that could “materialize” on our planet appeared as giant translucent figures.
Here is a transcript of some of the most important details of the report:
1. Part of the disks carry crews; others are under remote control
2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane
3. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size
4. They are not excarnate Earth people but come from their own world
5. They do NOT come from a planet as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us
6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter
7. The disks posses a type of radiant energy or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They reenter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace
8. The region from which they come is not the “astral plane”, but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of osoteric matters will understand these terms.
9. They probably can not be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar. if a signal system can be devised for that (apparatus)
Addendum: The Lokas are oval shape, fluted length oval with a heat-resistaning metal or alloy is not yet known the front cage contains the controls, the middle portion a laboratory; the rear contains armament, which consists essentially of a powerful energy apparatus, perhaps a ray.
What are your thoughts on this? If these beings have been visiting us in the last 50 to 60 years, is it possible that these same beings visited Earth hundreds and thousands of years ago? Is it possible that these beings influenced civilization as we know it today? And is it possible that they are still influencing the way of life on Earth?

dinsdag 6 december 2016

CIA whistleblower breaks silence on climate engineering, vaccine damage

Kevin Shipp, a highly decorated and top ranked ex-CIA counter intelligence officer told the Canada Free Press that his experience working for the federal government agency was akin to being “in the belly of the beast.” But, it didn’t start out that way. Shipp joined the agency because he wanted to defend his nation and pledged to “uphold the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” He wasn’t expecting the CIAto be the enemy. It started in the mid 1990s, when Shipp discovered evidence of a “vulnerability” in CIA operations that put many undercover agents at serious risk. When he delivered his evidence to top CIA channels, it disappeared, twice. On his third attempt, he “hand carried the report to the highest levels of the CIA.”

More @:http://newstarget.com/2016-10-28-cia-whistleblower-breaks-silence-on-climate-engineering-vaccine-damage.html

dinsdag 18 oktober 2016

Project Avalon forum on RT UK bank account closure


Also see: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?93937-Julian-Assange-dead-largely-exaggerated-rumors-Update-Post-2-and-others-Assange-Internet-cut&highlight=wikileaks

Sweden loves Soros. Leaked document shows 65% of Swedish politicians are “loyal allies” of George Soros


Architect van de euro: ‘Munteenheid is kaartenhuis op instorten’


Advocaat Bernie Sanders dood - Clinton kill list


Paul Craig Roberts: Washington trekt de wereld mee in een kernoorlog


Wikileaks / RT update: Attack on Wikileaks by US goverment and attack on RT by UK/US/Ecuador Goverment

FBI files metion the Shadow goverment


maandag 15 augustus 2016

After the Hillary Clinton, Breedlove, AKP and DNC hacks, Soros foundation is hacked! What the media does is crazy...

The hackers are on a roll! 


After the Hillary, Bleedlove, AKP and DNC email hacks the Soros foundation is hacked. Reveiling some disturbing influence over Hillary Clinton as U.S. Secretary of State and other political parties and persons all over te world. http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wikileaks-email-soros-clintons-master/


The Soros foundation has their tentacles in world politics and world events everywhere.

Soros foundation, the octopus one of many!

And this is only one of many organisations of rich elites trying to conquer the world and undermining the people of earth. Real NWO style powerhouses,

Gates foundation        ► http://www.naturalnews.com/052265_vaccine_experiments_Bill_Gates_India.html
 ► http://nsnbc.me/2013/05/08/bill-gates-polio-vaccine-program-caused-47500-cases-of-paralysis-death/
 ► https://truth11.com/2010/03/10/bill-gates-and-neo-eugenics-vaccines-to-reduce-population-rockefeller-foundation/

Rockefeller foundation   

Clinton Foundation        
 ► (Dutch) http://www.wanttoknow.nl/politiek/de-criminele-onderneming-van-de-clintons/
 ► http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2016/08/15/report-major-federal-investigation-into-clinton-foundation-underway-n2204898

And many many more...

The list of murders is still ongoing to stop these leaks. The elites are know for their ferocious ways of stopping leaks.

Media coverage:

What the media only does is looking at the hackers origin and not looking into the emails itself. They are only interested in blamming and not in investigating. This is why you hear the Russian hackers narrative alot. Russia is to blame as always these days.

The information in these e-mails should be big news. These hacks should give ordinary people the inside information they need to have in order to see what our world has become.

These elites are a destroying, killing, lying, manipulating bunch of of people that thrive on war and choas for richess and power. What we now clearly see is what we have known all allong; the media is owned by these same elitists. The MSM are an extension of the elite. They must sell us their bullshit. Investigated journalism isn't allowed anymore in the western mainstream media. The ordinary people must be kept ignorant and in the dark about the real deal. Here is a German politician who says it all: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-13/german-president-booed-attacked-after-claiming-people-are-problem-not-elites

The MSM is only interested in blamming and not in investigating:


Some interesting follow up links:

woensdag 3 augustus 2016

WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary’s Stunning Connection to ISIS — Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues

Washington, D.C. – Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, claimed during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) that, “We have more material related to the Hillary Clinton campaign.”

Staying true to their word, WikiLeaks, with one simple tweet, dropped another bomb on the Clinton campaign – one so damaging it will almost surely be ignored by the mainstream media.

The latest revelation by the whistleblower organization reveals Hillary Clinton was a director of, and received over $100,000 from, French industrial giant Lafarge, which was recently exposed as secretly sponsoring the Islamic State for profit.

Read more: http://sitsshow.blogspot.nl/2016/08/WikiLeaks-Exposes-Hillarys-Stunning-Connection-to-ISIS-Mainstream-Media-Blackout-Ensues.html

dinsdag 2 augustus 2016

Leaked pictures from JUNO PROBE reveal UFO in JUPITER'S ORBIT!!! July 2016

Leaked pictures from JUNO PROBE reveal UFO in JUPITER'S ORBIT!!! July 2016


Poetin waarschuwt de westerse media: Waarom bent u stil als u weet dat de oorlog komt?


Hitler Escaped To Argentina & Died Old: Pictures of Him After The War, FBI Documents

Hitler in Argentina - The Eden Hotel



US Government Suddenly Urges Americans to Prepare for Catastrophic Events


New e-mail leaks @ wikileaks



Biggest News Story Of The Year! And you've never heard about it. Until Now.

Amerika probeert weer een reden te creëren voor steun voor verdere bombardementen boven Syrië


De eerste keer dat dit is geprobeerd is ook gebleken dat de rebellen het gas hadden gebruik en niet de regeringstroepen. Zie onderstaande video van INFOWARS waarin de voorgaande gifgas aanval toevallig aanbod komt samen met andere huidige zaken die nu spelen.

Het gefaalde Euro project en het mismanagement van het IMF

Het invoeren van de euro was een enorme blunder




donderdag 28 juli 2016

False flags ramping up in Europe

France and Germany are under severe terrorist attacks. Events look real but some things just don't add up. These attacks are used to push specific agendas. In France it was the state of emergency which is by now extended by three months. The public must be put in a fearfull state. With fresh new attacks every week / month. Terrorist attacks come in all forms now a days, knives, axes, trucks, explosives, gunfire, planes.  And in al places airports, cafe's, restaurants, boulevards, party's, recreational parcs etc.

The goal is total choas and 'racial tension'. This will fuel hate on both sides and will intensify the situation.


It is the classical devide and conquer and problem, reaction, solution rethoric.
Look up the Hegelian Dialectic: http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/05/dialectic.htm These terrorists must have insider help or outside help from goverments/shadow goverments/globalist/occultitst/zionsists etc. Who profit from these specific events. The more choas the better.

The truck in Nice has no bloodspatter. This seems strange because the truck ran over a lot of people and killed 84. Also strange are the bullit holes in the front window. None on the drivers side.


Toga man and "Acropolis sign" point toward next attack in ... Greece? Nope, the OLYMPIA Mall!
Toga man and “Acropolis sign” point toward next attack in … Greece? Nope, the OLYMPIA Mall!

maandag 9 mei 2016



Mark Passio - Natural law ~ and more -> He opened my eyes!

Full seminar Natural law over 8 hours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIEemKcy-4E

De-mystifying the occult: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF6PLdUxFoE

Mark Passio's site: http://www.whatonearthishappening.com/
His podcasts: http://www.whatonearthishappening.com/podcast?start=150

Ontwaakt de jeugd uit de Matrix? Leraren klagen over discussies in het klaslokaal over complottheorieën

Ontwaakt de jeugd uit de Matrix? Leraren klagen over discussies in het klaslokaal over complottheorieën


George Carlin


Hitler Fbi Argentina Hitler


Jelly fish UFo over Mexico


maandag 22 februari 2016

Must read: End of all evil

Chapter 1 

The definition of freedom is the infinite value of the human being. The definition of evil is the destruction of freedom. Everything that is evil teaches people that they have limited value.

Truth is always simple. All people recognize truth because all people are intelligent beings. It is the nature of evil to create artificially complex ideas. It does this to hide or obfuscate the freedom it destroys. If you remove the complexities and fears from your life you will find a plain and beautiful truth. This truth is the nature of your worth.

Value of man 
To understand freedom is to understand the value of a person. Everything that evil wants is to disguise and destroy your value. All authority is created by evil men to disguise your worth. To understand your own worth is to understand the nature of liberty.

The crucial key for understanding our world is to understand the nature of evil. Evil challenges the value of people by denying them the opportunity to make their own choices; by denying them the chance to grow strong in learning and understanding.

While evil seeks to destroy or hide a person's worth, freedom shows humans their full potential and their full value. With freedom, people have loved, cured disease, removed hunger, eased labor and lived in peace. With freedom, happiness is possible. Freedom is the exact opposite of evil. You Everything written in this book is written to destroy the ideas of culture and law. The lesson of this book is simple: nothing on earth is more valuable than you.

Download English: http://www.mensenrechten.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/EndofallEvil1.pdf
Download Dutch: http://achterdesamenleving.nl/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Het_Einde_van_al_het_Kwaad_Eindversie_03.pdf 

Zie ook; http://www.mensenrechten.org/het-einde-van-al-het-kwaad/#.VsssGfnhBYI